Sunday, March 29, 2015

Russian drivers will be obliged in the winter to carry anti-skid chains – INNOV.RU – Nizhny Novgorod business ON-LINE


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29.03.15 12:12 | Text: Elena Nekrasov | Photo: avtovibirai. ru 31951

In consideration of the State Duma of Russia on March 27 introduced a bill.

Drivers will be obliged to Russia in winter to carry anti-skid chain

The initiator of this the draft law was made a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, State Duma deputy Dmitry Nosov.


Under the proposed project, it is proposed to impose penalties on drivers bolshegruzov, mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, for lack of a winter season on wheels, snow chains.


According to Dmitry Nosov, these measures will be prompted to enter due to the frequent accidents on the roads because of snow drifts and ice, which in turn lead to stop traffic on the highways of the country.


According to the proposed amendments to adjust the law “On the Road Safety”, drivers of vehicles weighing over 3.5 tonnes must be equipped with anti-skid chains in the period from October to March.


If these amendments are adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, in the case of non-compliance, violators will be subject to penalties in the amount of 3,000 rubles.


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And so there are no roads, and here and chains will break them






* if about to be broken chain on the forehead this Weird MP






To clean the roads is necessary, and no nonsense engage






Neizbavitsya RUSSIAN from fools and bad roads apparently






Signs W, fire extinguishers, first aid kits with chairs sold, now someone has to sell the chain






So Mintyary fight with us, and here they still too much loot a halt, and then go on about corruption.





All right wagon cork make winter constantly faced with this






and here mintyary bought the chain stuck it went fine. they stalled on each lifting himself standing in traffic jams that buzz






Russian only constant whining asshole as the last stand for the wagon that we buksut for people lizhby saliva dissolve






Yes, Putin is to blame and our Crimea and chains need to buy, you UVASYA vnature soplizhui not bought the same problems put






Idiots, well, hold on asphalt, and so is not.




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