Saturday, January 23, 2016

SK started checking after landing on the Yaroslavl highway – Russian newspaper

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation launched a preliminary inquiry into the emergency landing of light aircraft in Moscow.

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“Investigative agencies of the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department of Transport of the Russian Federation Investigative Committee organized conduct pre-investigation on the grounds of crimes under Art. 263 Criminal Code (violation of safety rules and operation of air transport negligently caused major damage), as well as Art. 238 of the Criminal Code (works and services that do not meet the requirements of safety and health of consumers), “- said in a statement the press service of the UK.

As previously reported, a private light aircraft made an emergency landing at the 63rd kilometer of the Yaroslavl highway. It is in the area of ​​the bifurcation between Sergiev Posad and the village of Vine.

An alarm on the panel 112, entered at 15:30, Moscow time, and an hour later at the scene was a correspondent of the most reputable in the area of ​​the local “alternative newspaper” Andrei Trofimov. According to him, the plane had already shipped a heavy crane. And the owner of the aircraft – it was a Pavel Titov – sitting in the patrol car traffic police and otherwise covered his face from the camera correspondent cap. The traffic police said that he does not want to go out and make any comments to the press. He himself, judging by their appearance, was not injured. Even the ambulance did not have to call.

His plane, apparently, only took off when detects some problem in the engine. At least he landed nose in the direction of Moscow on the separation between the curb lanes Yaroslavl. It is known that he took off from the airfield of the vortex, which is only a few kilometers away from this place.

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About the Titov know that it is just the founder of the local flying club. A few years ago he had got into a serious accident, but also survived. His plane near the city of Khotkovo snagged gear wire power lines, after which the aircraft overturned. Titov received a fracture of the spine, and his companion badly injured.

According to preliminary data, the cause of today’s emergency landing was the failure of an aircraft engine. So said emergency services of the Moscow region. According to the management of the municipal administration of the security of the Sergiev Posad district, the pilot made a training flight on light airplanes “Wilga 35A.” This is likely true, because in the places you can often see the planes, which carry up to half an hour in the air aerobatics. Pilots train clearly.

At the same incidents and accidents. About two years ago under similar circumstances, has made an emergency landing a plane assigned to the aerodrome of the vortex. But then the consequences were severe. The pilot received multiple injuries, and the passenger was killed.

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