Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Built in Omsk “Angara” replace unreliable “Proton” – BBC Russian

  • 3 June 2015


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Russia moves production of missiles, “Angara” in Omsk – 2.5 thousand kilometers closer to the cosmodrome “East”.

As I stated on Wednesday Omsk head of the Russian Space Agency, Igor Komarov, it will quickly adjust their production and to abandon the rocket “Proton”, which in recent years there have been several accidents.

The experts understand the reasoning of Roskosmos, but believe that Russia, solving the immediate problems can lose strategically. However, they point out, “Angara” in any case, should be a more robust missile than the “Proton”.

New Products “Flight”

“Flight Test” Angara “was successfully started last year, and In my opinion, it is necessary to speed up the transition from “Proton” with “Angara” – said Komarov. In this regard, he said, it is particularly relevant to the interpretation of the new production base of Omsk industrial association “Polyot”.

A day earlier, the regional governor and the head of the Khrunichev Center raketostroitelnogo signed a document on re-equipping the plant “Flight.” The head of the Khrunichev Center Andrew Kalinowski said that in the future, the plant has become the most modern enterprise of the Russian space industry.

On Wednesday, Deputy “Flight” Alexander Malashenko said that the serial production of “Angara” will begin in 2018. Malashenko argues that annual production will be about 100 universal booster modules that going “Angara”.

Online Software “Flight” missile already listed in the “products”.

At the present time, as told Malyshev, Omsk prepare components for assembly of the second missile.

Ways to a third less

The main production of the Center Khrunichev in Moscow, launches “Angara” in the future it is planned to carry out a spaceport “East” in the Amur region.

Distance “Eastern” from the centers Space production is estimated by many as one of the serious shortcomings.

The fact that the missiles to deliver components for final assembly in the assembly building to the launch site will have rail – universal acceleration modules for “Angara” designed with the dimensions of the rail tunnels.

The distance between Moscow and the “East” is more than 7.5 thousand kilometers. From Omsk to Baikonur – a little less than five thousand.


The transfer of production to Omsk obviously alleviate the problem of transportation. However, some experts have previously said that it would be appropriate to create power in the Far East, for example in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

As suggested by an expert in space Vadim Lukashevich, the government tried to solve several problems at the same time – and bring production to the spaceport, and not spend a lot of money on it, that would be required to invest in the establishment of production “from scratch”.

“To build a new plant, even on the existing industrial base, or close to it, with the existing urban infrastructure – is completely different money compared to in order to give another job already existing Omsk plant “- he said.

However, according to Lukashevich, Russia, solving immediate problems, losing strategically.

“What” Angara “will fly, as we spend money on the logistics, the difficulties with the modification of the missile, because what we are doing on it, we will be tied to the rail loading gauge,” – he said.

As told BBC BBC member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, a member of the expert council of the Russian government Sergei Zhukov, Roskosmos displays the production of “Angara” and left Omsk in Moscow only the construction of rockets “Proton-M”. This is done to optimize the production.

“and Moscow and Omsk area severely altered. Both sites are becoming more compact, lining up on the life cycle, and every sharpen a clear production program,” – he said, noting that considers this a good idea.

Zhukov stressed that, for all the benefits of locating production close to the spaceport, “Flight” already has its own production facilities and skilled staff.

From the “Proton” to “Angara”

On Wednesday, the general director of “Roscosmos” Igor Komarov said that the transition from the carrier rocket “Proton” rocket to the new “Angara” needs to be accelerated.

In recent years there has been a series of accidents rockets “Proton”.

The reason for the latter, which happened on May 16 was the failure of the steering motor third stage due to increased vibronagruzok. According to Igor Komarov, the refusal is not productive and constructive.

Zhukov believes that the desire as quickly as possible to abandon the “Proton” in favor of “Angara” is dictated by two factors – increased toxic rocket fuel and the the expert explained how the discrepancy missile production technology modern production methods.

According to him, the setting of many systems in the “Proton” make workers at the plant manually. “It is not pulled, and everything … The old men who’ve done it before, they released hundreds of these products. They knew the production. This factor is human [played a role] is not in terms of bad faith … Much has been not so much on the level of technology, but at the level of art in the hands of the people who did it, “- he said.

The expert believes that” Angara “created after the collapse of the USSR, much more technologically advanced, and if it will be in a timely manner identify all potentially possible “childhood diseases”, it will be more reliable missile.


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