Monday, June 1, 2015

ECHR will consider a complaint against the thieves of the concept in Russian prisons – Independent Newspaper

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22:40 01.06.2015 Source: BBC Russian Service

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has received a complaint of the Russian prisoner dissatisfied so-called thieves concepts of whom live convicts in his colony.

According to the applicant, in prison there is a system of informal relations based on hierarchy. Prisoners caught in the lowest category, are regularly subjected to harassment and abuse.

The complaint states that the higher hierarchy of the prison society forbid prisoners to use lower-grade appliances, as well as provide them with the worst place to sleep and forced to the additional work.

In the statement on the website of the ECHR states that the court has agreed to consider the complaint and sent the Russian side some questions on it. In particular, the court inquired whether Russia has a strategy to combat such informal relations in the colony, as well as requests to clarify what steps staff is taking to combat such phenomena. BBC Russian Service


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