Friday, June 19, 2015

Economists estimated the damage to the EU’s anti-Russian sanctions € 100 billion – a REGNUM


Moscow, June 19, 2015, 08:02 – REGNUM Damage Union (EU) on the anti-Russian sanctions was estimated at 100 billion euro. In addition, in the coming years, Europe will lose two million jobs, writes Die Welt, citing data from the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO).

The Austrian experts say that before such a scenario is considered pessimistic case scenario, but Now it may well be real. It is noted that the biggest losses from the sanctions incurred by Germany, which is due to the limitations and the response of Moscow struck out 1 percentage point of its economic performance. The cumulative loss of Berlin economists have estimated 27 billion euros.

Among the other countries severely affected by the policy in relation to Russia, called Poland, Spain, France, Italy, Estonia.

The European Commission also takes the opposite view and assess the impact of sanctions against Russia as minor.

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