Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Freedom House: Russian authorities must protect human rights defenders – BBC Russian

  • 3 June 2015


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Ramzan Kadyrov said that human rights defenders themselves could trigger an attack on the office

The human rights organization Freedom House said that the pogrom, arranged in the office, “the Committee against Torture” in Grozny, indicates either the involvement of the Russian authorities to violence against human rights organizations, or the inability to ensure their safety.

Lawyer “Committee” Anton Ryzhov called the attack on the office of a planned action.

On Wednesday, masked men vandalized the office of the Joint Mobile Group “Committee” in Grozny, destroyed an apartment and stole documents about ongoing investigations of human rights rights in Chechnya.

Employees of the Joint Mobile Group were able to escape and are now safe.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov has accused the “Committee against Torture” that human rights defenders themselves provoked the pogrom in order to receive foreign grants.

Attack occurred after the authorities and the Republican Union of Journalists of the action under the slogan “No – the information war against Russia and the Chechen Republic!”.

Aiding or inability

After the attack unknown in the office of the Joint Mobile Group “Committee against Torture” in Grozny independent human rights organization Freedom House issued a statement saying that the second half of the attack shows any involvement of Russian authorities to acts of violence against human rights defenders, or their inability to ensure the safety of activists.

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The attackers on human rights office in Grozny thoroughly prepared for the action

“The Russian federal authorities are obliged to conduct a full and transparent investigation into both incidents and make the Chechen authorities to ensure the safety” of the Committee against Torture “and other human rights organizations in Chechnya,” – says Freedom House.

Lawyer ‘Committee against Torture, “Anton Ryzhov told BBC Russian Service as a pogrom took place, which he called” a well-planned action. “Ryzhov said he hoped that this time will not be accused of human rights defenders that they have hired thugs.

In December, according to Ryzhov, “was nominated version of themselves burned, allegedly set fire to us”.

About the arson office says, in particular, in the documentary film “Family”, the organization removed Michael Khodorkovsky “Open Russia”. The film, as mentioned in the summary to him, said, “Why Putin is afraid of Ramzan Kadyrov, what is a” vassal army “and who are” krashniki “how much is a place in the” elite “units and why Putin Avenue in Grozny can not be called Victory Avenue “.

As a lawyer Ryzhov that followed took place in an online environment for broadcast with CCTV cameras and colleagues reported,” young men in masks, armed with a crowbar, grinder, other tools broke, slipped paint cameras and started to break the door. Climbed to the balcony, there is also a broken camera. Our employees were forced to evacuate “.

” The Committee against Torture, “decided to take their employees out of Chechnya, said Anton Ryzhov.

Grants wanted

Contrary to the assumption lawyer “Committee against Torture”, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that human rights defenders can themselves trigger an attack, joined by participants of the rally under the slogan “No – the information war against Russia and the Chechen Republic! “.

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Participants of the meeting in Grozny, according to Kadyrov, human rights activists criticized for inaction

The rally was sanctioned by the authorities, it was also attended by relatives Jambulat Dadaeva, who was killed in April during an operation to arrest him, held Stavropol police.

The event was attended by about three thousand people.

(This is after the death of Dadaeva Kadyrov said that he gave the order to shoot to kill law enforcement officers from other regions if they are to operate in Chechnya, without the consent of the republican authorities).

” Analysis of events gives reason to conclude that the staff of the Committee deliberately provoked the incident, with the goal again famous in the world press, to become owners of new US Grant “- Kadyrov said.

According to Kadyrov,” We are concerned that these people do not have to nothing to do with human rights activities, regularly create a tense atmosphere, trying to provoke riots in Grozny “.

The work does not stop

As the Bi-bi-si Anton Ryzhov, law enforcement authorities in Grozny and Moscow did not react to the signals of an attack on human rights office.

Later detentions were made rioters in Grozny.

Chechen Interior Ministry and the Investigative Committee of the Czech Republic issued a divergent data on the number of detainees. Interior Ministry reported on 30, the UK – about 40 detainees. Now, as they say, law enforcement, investigative actions are carried out.

Earlier, the press secretary of President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, said he would report to his patron of the pogrom in Grozny.

The head of the “Committee against Torture” Igor Kalyapin said the organization will continue to investigate the killings, torture, illegal detention and other human rights violations in Chechnya, but will look for other forms and methods. Human rights defenders constantly receiving treatment of relatives of victims.


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