Zyuganov denies Applications with Vice Speaker from the LDPR Igor Lebedev
All the parliamentary groups in favor of the transfer of the State Duma elections in December 2016 on the third Sunday of September, the bill will be submitted to consideration in the coming days. On this day Tass Vice Speaker from the LDPR Igor Lebedev.
«reached a compromise, that the elections will be held on the third Sunday of September … In the coming days, this initiative will be submitted to the State Duma,” – he said.
According to Lebedev, the date “satisfied all factions” – and those who advocated the transfer is, in principle, in September, and the Communists, “which until recently opposed on this issue».
Lebedev said that “the third Sunday of September is quite favorable date.” “Within a month after the election of the State Duma will be able to start its full operation – it falls on October 17-18. The first reading of the draft budget falls exactly on these dates. Discussion of the budget will not be affected, the deputies will be able to enter fully into the rhythm of work and solve all organizational problems, “- he said.
Lebedev assured that the Liberal Democratic Party is satisfied. “We support this and will vote” yes “. The compromise option suits all parties, “- he concluded.
Meanwhile, the Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov has denied the statement of Vice-Speaker from the LDPR, Igor Lebedev, the achievement of all parliamentary factions agreed on a bill to postpone the election to the State Duma on December September 2016.
«This is not so. With the Liberal Democratic Party has not been any consultation, “- he said Tass, commenting on the statement Lebedev that all factions reached a compromise in the near future will bring a bill to postpone the vote on the third Sunday of September.
Earlier, Lebedev said, that a bill to postpone the elections to the Duma suggests amendments to the laws on elections of deputies of the State Duma and of the basic guarantees of electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. “Amend the Constitution of the Russian Federation, we offer will not” – said vice speaker. The draft law may be submitted on behalf of all four parliamentary factions.
According to the existing legislation following the elections to the State Duma should pass 4 December 2016. Many politicians have proposed to combine them with a single voting day, which is held on the second Sunday of September.

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