Grigory Yavlinsky, the fourth time going to run for president. On Wednesday, the site of “Apple” published a statement “On the party’s political strategy until 2018″, which says that the Political Committee of the Party adopted a decision to nominate Yavlinsky for president in 2018. Announced his candidate for two and a half years before the start of the presidential campaign, “Yabloko” seek to revive the regional campaign, the expert believes.
The statement “The Political Strategy games until 2018″ was published on Wednesday Online “Apple”. Party members among other things, insisting on the need for “the formation of a personal alternative to Vladimir Putin” as a political way of thinking of the absolute majority of Russian citizens is “personalist character.”
The most suitable alternative to Putin “Yabloko” Grigory Yavlinsky believe, awarded in a statement flattering epithets: “Democratic politician with many years of impeccable reputation”, free of the “unprincipled collaboration with Yeltsin and Putin’s authorities, as well as links with the leftists and nationalists “; “Not the same as Putin, but without corruption”, “not” Putin 2.0 “, and politicians with different beliefs».
The document also shows that Yavlinsky “today represents a categorical rejection aggression, annexation, war as a method of arrangement of the “Russian world”. “In view of the above,” it said the statement was made “policy decision”: Grigory Yavlinsky nominate a candidate for president in 2018. Finally, this issue should be resolved at the next party congress.
The decision to participate in the presidential campaign Yavlinsky discussed the Political “Apple” in the early years. Now click on the nomination of one of the founders of the party for the presidency “included in the” Memorandum of political alternatives “for our candidates, who will be nominated to the regional Duma and municipal authorities,” he told “” the chairman of the “Yabloko” Sergei Mitrokhin. Alternative candidates from the party as a member of the presidential race in 2018, he said, were not considered.
The question “Gazety.Ru” why he had not intended to participate in the presidential elections, Mitrokhin said that “is not required to be nominated everywhere simply because is the chairman Party »:
« My political ambitions are already being implemented. When I was elected to the presidency, I promised to at least keep the party. And “Apple” remained. This is perhaps the only democratic parties that survived and 90, and zero. I coped with its task, “- said Mitrokhin.
As for Yavlinsky, it is, according to Mitrokhin, “a very experienced politician and economist”: “The man is far from old, Yavlinsky could realize our party program as president. And for me, a lot of other points of the application there, “- concluded the Chairman of the” Yabloko “. He added that he intends to run for the State Duma. Comment of Grigory Yavlinsky, “” was not available.
Ad names of his future candidate for two and a half years before the start of the presidential campaign – is the technological progress that should draw attention to the “Apple” in the current elections in the regions and to revive the campaign party, said the head of “political expert group “Konstantin Kalachev.
«Yabloko” had not sought political success. According to voters, the party – an outsider, not fighting for power. According to opinion polls I have seen, “Apple” is one of three parties with the highest anti-rating.
Such forwarding (classified names of candidates) must draw attention to the “Apple” in the elections in 2015 and to update the engagement party in the Duma campaign in 2016. And then or Sultan dies, or the donkey will die “- said the expert.
According Kalacheva recently called him from the Center for Political Technologies Igor Bunin asking him to as respondents participated in the survey about rebranding “Apple”: “I was of the opinion that it is necessary to return Yavlinsky, as Mitrokhin does not pull.”
The political scientist believes that the party ordered a survey, and it means that “they took the case seriously”: “In terms of technology it ( on the nomination of Yavlinsky’s statement. -” Times “) rather successful move. Someone is sure to bite. After the success of “Apple” will be not to win in today’s regional elections, and to act more effectively than the democratic coalition. ”
In this context, we can say that the decision to nominate Yavlinsky presidential candidate is also a response to “Apple” “at any unification initiative”: “The Party makes it clear: the union can only be based on it. Apparently, such a proposal and it will act as if the RPR-Parnassus fail in the elections “, – the expert concludes.
Political analyst Alexander Pozhalov believes that the current statement, “Apple” – a reaction to the development of the democratic coalition primaries:
«Party early this year said, that is going to nominate Yavlinsky, and by repeating it now, responds to the primaries, which – and this is the farther, the more it becomes clear – are not aimed at brand promotion RPR-Parnassus, and for promotion of Alexei Navalny as the sole leader of the opposition.
Obviously, in the autumn, after the RPR-Parnassus is likely to perform poorly in the regional elections, we should expect the campaign demanding the return of Navalny voting rights ( opposition in accordance with the “criminal filter” deprived of the opportunity to participate in the elections within the next 13 years – “Times» ). Speaking about the nomination of Grigory Yavlinsky, “Apple” is positioning it as an alternative figure. ”
In addition, the party responds to the apparent lack of democratic leaders in the wing, he said.
According to him, the statement of “Yabloko” – this is including an invitation to a dialogue of those politicians who are “left behind” democratic coalition: Gennady and Dmitry Gudkov, Vladimir Ryzhkov “I think they will be ready to discuss cooperation with the” apple ».
For these important ideological component, which is the party but is absent in the democratic coalition.” Particularly relevant cooperation with the “apple” would be if the party of “Civil Initiative” Andrei Nechayev, which is conditionally supported Gudkov and Ryzhkov, can not in the course of this campaign go to the Legislative Assembly of regions and thus will have no right to nominate candidates without collecting signatures already in the Duma election, the expert believes. In this case, before the above-mentioned policies will be a dilemma, from which party nominated at the federal level. From RPR-Parnassus does not work, obviously. It remains “Apple”, summarizes compassion.
The participation of Grigory Yavlinsky for president
The first attempt to become the Head of State Grigory Yavlinsky has taken 19 years ago.
In the elections of 1996 he was nominated “apple” in the first round of voting, received 7.4% of the vote, taking the 4th place after Boris Yeltsin, Gennady Zyuganov and Alexander Lebed.
In 2000, the initiative group of citizens over Yavlinsky announced the nomination as a candidate for president. In fact, it put forward the same “Yabloko”, decided to save on holding the party congress. Yavlinsky won in these elections the third place with 5.8% of the vote and losing to Vladimir Putin and Gennady Zyuganov.
The presidential elections in 2004 and 2008 Yavlinsky boycotted, saying that the opportunity to hold free and fair elections in the country is missing. He changed his mind in 2012, the year. However, this policy is an attempt to compete for the presidency was the least successful. During the election campaign of 2012. Yavlinsky was denied registration as a candidate, as the CEC considered 25% of subscription lists in support of it defective. Yavlinsky said the decision was politically motivated and suggested that the government was afraid of hundreds of thousands of observers, which the party has prepared for the day of voting.

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