Monday, December 29, 2014

In the Kuzbass December 31 will output – TVNZ

In the Kuzbass December 31 will output – TVNZ

Today December 29


– 23 & amp; degC

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According to the decision of the governor to state employees to pay this day

In the Kuzbass governor of the province announced on December 31 weekends day for the public sector. Aman Tuleyev ordered not only to teachers, employees and other state workers have paid that day, but also made a proposal to the heads of companies and trade unions to make a paid day off for workers in industrial and commercial organizations.

– Dec. 31 people think no longer on the work, and that still need to buy on holiday table, rushing to congratulate friends and relatives, and the official day of rest will allow kuzbassovtsev with high spirits to celebrate the New Year, in addition to rest, so that after the Christmas holidays in full force to join in the work, – said Aman Tuleyev.

Back to home

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