Saturday, December 6, 2014

Putin’s message in the mirror of the Western press – Fontanka

Putin's message in the mirror of the Western press – Fontanka

  In total and in different formulations President Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly mentioned 8 times the US, Europe – five, the West in general – twice. The word “sanctions” he said 4 times, and in one case, the sanctions were “so-called.” “Fontanka” inquired learned that “American and European partners” of the speech of the head of our state.

 The site of the German Zeit article “Putin threatens to force his army” ranks first among the most popular materials. “Proud, self-confident and fighting showed himself Vladimir Putin in his address to the nation” – the newspaper and give a quote that “Russia is able to protect citizens and the truth.” Next three paragraphs devoted to how it was Putin who “defended against criticism of the West,” the truth about “meddling in his country’s crisis in Ukraine.” Separately, the newspaper focuses Putin’s words about “polite Army” and the West, who “purposefully harm Russia”.

 “Much less passion and pathos President put the second part of his speech, where he talked about the economic problems of the country” – does not miss Zeit.

 “At the conclusion of his speech, Putin once again proved to be a militant, – the newspaper said. – He ended by saying:” We will win “.

 Readers Zeit rapidly comment on articles. “Megalomania, lust for power” – this is not very tough entry. But there are others: “Putin is always right”.

  Spiegel Online material entitled “Speech to the people: Putin sees Russia as a victim of the West.” “Vladimir Putin is always a possibility for long sentences and intensive self-promotion – the article begins. – This year, however, the traditional concert took place under a special sign: the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine and Russia serious economic problems because of sanctions and the decline in oil prices “. The publication notes that the first part of Putin’s speech was held “under the sign of massive foreign shocks.” In it the Russian president “opposed the reaction of the international community on its aggression in Ukraine” and presented his country “as a victim of the West,” which “seeks to humiliate the Russian nation.” Spiegel heard in Putin’s speech and “even more martial tone, especially to the United States.” Putin’s statement about &# 8220;polite but strong ‘army author interprets as” explicit threats against opponents “.

 “On the economic crisis in their country – continues to publication, – the president could say very little, but instead he tried to find a reason for optimism in the domestic political and financial situation in Russia.” The newspaper quoted Putin’s words about the “very good” business climate in Russia.

 “No, Mr. Putin, we would like to continue business with Russia. No one wanted to harm Russia. It is a cheap excuse to hide their own inability to” – it is one of hundreds of readers’ comments Spiegel.

  Frankfurter Allgemeine in the title makes one of the key postulates of Putin’s speech: “Crimea as holy as the Temple Mount.” The newspaper notes that his message to the protection of “interference in the Ukrainian crisis,” the Russian president “clearly addressed to America and its allies”.

 In addition to this information note, Frankfurter Allgemeine publishes an editorial comment entitled “Nationalist fire.” “Economic prospects are vague, the country is largely politically isolated – it is clear that President Putin did not come to mind nothing better than a rumble against the West and threaten him – the author writes. – He lit a Russian nationalism and now has over and over again to feed him. Certainly , Putin’s speech on the situation in the country – a mixture of convulsive attempts to justify its policy in Ukraine and Russia representation victim of the West, eager to world power. ” Frankfurter Allgemeine journalist thinks that looks similar to the views of Putin, many years ago led to the “biggest catastrophe of the 20th century”.

  BBC News talks about “the Russian president’s message to the nation” in the notes under the headings: “Putin urged Russians to stability in difficult times”, “Putin said Russia: are difficult times,” “Putin urges Russians to rely themselves. ” This, according to the publication, his (Putin), “look at the state of the Russian nation”, in a speech he “sets out its priorities for the year ahead”.

 The publication notes that “Vladimir Putin accused Western governments in an effort to build a new iron curtain around Russia.” And then he explains to his readers that Russia “has experienced a heavy blow from a fall in oil prices and from Western sanctions, introduced because of its role in the conflict in Ukraine.” And that is experiencing a drop in the ruble – “the largest since 1998″. But Putin, the author continues, “has not expressed any regrets about the annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea”, on the contrary – he “insisted that the” tragedy “in the south-east of Ukraine has proved that Russia was right.” In addition, the author notes, Putin condemned the “pure cynicism” of the West, which, had it not been the Crimea, “to come up with another excuse to impose sanctions on a resurgent Russia”.

 After listing the measures that the Russian president considers it necessary to take for recovery, BBC provides data on the current state of the Russian economy, recalls how “President Putin was once admired stable ruble exchange rate” and publishes photos of Russian troops in the Crimea.

  Reuters an article titled “Putin said that Russia’s enemies hope for its decay, the ruble is falling, while he says.” This publication is not noted in the speech of President Putin “no signs of departing from the policy that led his country to a confrontation with the West unprecedented since the Cold War.” Putin’s message author described this way: “He seemed to surpass even his own recent ardent nationalism.” In the President’s speech Reuters says a word about the serious danger hanging over Russia, and about the enemies that have surrounded our country and want to destroy it. Even when speaking of Russia’s openness to the West, the newspaper notes, Putin “has taken an aggressive stance.” The same words the author describes Putin when he announced measures to revive the economy: “His comments were marred by economic aggressive posture”.

 Reuters reminds his readers that Putin came to power “in the wake of the collapse of the currency, which wiped out the savings of Russians in 1998″, and since then his rating of “high to the heavens.” However, the continued publication, the Russian president “has not faced serious protests because of the downturn in the economy,” and the question is, “Do you have a plan for how to get the economy out of the crisis”.

 “Putin diverts attention from the economy pumping patriotism, including – the annexation of the Crimean peninsula, and accuses the United States and the European Union in Russia’s problems” – concludes Reuters.

 “Putin complained to the West, trying to stop the recession in Russia” – so titled article The Washington Post . In his “fiery annual address to the nation,” the author writes, Putin “cursed the West and” speculators “(quotation marks in the original), which, he said, were an economic war against Russia.” Newspaper learned from Putin’s speech: the Russian president “has not submitted any signals that he depart from the policy with regard to Ukraine, where the raging conflict that claimed more than 4,300 lives.” In contrast, the continued publication, “Putin said that the March annexation of the Crimea, which began the worst period in Russia’s relations with the West since the Cold War, was a” historic event “(quotation marks in the original), and it will not be canceled.” The newspaper notes that the Russian president “left the door open to Russian coopera tion with the West, saying that” Russia will be open to the world “(quotation marks in the original), even if take steps to achieve self-sufficiency.

 In French press statement on Thursday the president of Russia is almost not reflected. In Le Monde it is mentioned in the article about the “bloody events in Grozny,” who “did not prevent Ramzan Kadyrov at noon to attend the speech Putin.” In his message, the newspaper said, among other things, “master of the Kremlin recalled the responsibility of the West for the Ukrainian crisis.” Putin spoke about the confrontation in Chechnya: “We remember those who have supported us separatism and even outright terror, calling” rebels “those whose hands stained with blood, taking them to the highest level – the newspaper quoted the president Russia. – Now, these rebels are rearing their heads in Chechnya. ” And instead of quotes about how the law was Russian in Ukraine, Le Monde goes to the story about the unrest in Chechnya, Putin caused justified indignation.

 Newspapers read Tumakova Irina and Eugene Haqnazarov, “to”


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