Saturday, December 6, 2014

TFR filed a case in the Ukrainian deputies for the comments of events in Grozny – Interfax

TFR filed a case in the Ukrainian deputies for the comments of events in Grozny – Interfax


As noted by the Committee, a criminal case was opened into allegations of Yuri Birch, Andrew and Igor Levus Mosiychuk, Justification of crimes in the Chechen capital


Moscow. December 6th. INTERFAX.RU – Central Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia as a result of procedural checks initiated a criminal case against the Ukrainian deputies Yuri Birch, Andrew and Igor Levus Mosiychuk, “Interfax” spokesman Vladimir Markin TFR.

According to him, , proceedings have been instituted on the grounds of a crime under Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code (public incitement to terrorist activity or public justification of terrorism).

Birch, Levus and Mosiychuk made statements justifying crimes committed on December 4 in the city of Grozny and with the help of the media called for similar offenses in the territory of the Russian Federation. “In a criminal case the result given appropriate instructions to declare the suspects are wanted,” – said Markin.

“These so-called deputies probably not familiar or not at all aware of the effectiveness of the Russian law enforcement system, and so specifically for them, and for those who might be tempted to repeat their statements, I remind you that none of those who have committed such crimes and terrorist acts on the territory of the Russian Federation, it was not possible to escape responsibility: someone already convicted who -So when resisting destroyed, – said the representative of the TFR. – It was such a fate awaits those who commit crimes against Russian citizens, wherever they may be “.

Earlier, the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov said the need to investigate criminal charges of supporting deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of terrorists involved in the death in Grozny 14 police officers.

In a instagrame Friday night Kadyrov said that before suspected Ukrainian nationalists that they have a “financial or other assistance the remnants of the terrorists in the Caucasus. ” “Right now, no doubt left,” – wrote the head of Chechnya.

Kadyrov said that we are talking about people’s deputies Yury Bereza, Andrew and Igor Levus Mosiychuk. “In connection with the new circumstances, I have instructed to take comprehensive measures to apprehend and deliver to Chechnya said persons, as well as other felon Isa Munayev” – he said.

The head of Chechnya, said the need to examine the role of these Ukrainian deputies in the events that took place in Grozny. “If someone thinks that allowed impunity to support terrorism, it is deeply mistaken,” – wrote Kadyrov.

December 5, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at a briefing in Basel after a meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the OSCE, called blasphemy comments Ukrainian politicians about militants in Grozny.

Earlier it was reported that Birch and Levus joined the Ukrainian Rada Committee on National Security and Defence. Birch is at a fraction of the “Popular Front” battalion commander “Dnepr-1″ Levus – a fraction of the “Popular Front”, a former deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine. Mosiychuk was deputy commander of the Ukrainian battalion “Azov” Public Relations, entered into a faction “Radical Party”.

On the night of December 4 in Grozny 11 bandits have taken a sortie and were destroyed. During the raid on the Elimination of criminals killed 14 law enforcement officers. Families of the victims of police provided material assistance.


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