Saturday, December 6, 2014

State program “Accessible Environment” will last until 2020 – Business Information Pskov region

State program "Accessible Environment" will last until 2020 – Business Information Pskov region

06.12.2014 18:40 IDC, Pskov

 Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian government to extend the state program “Accessible Environment” until 2020. According to the website of the Kremlin, is the head of state gave instructions to the development of a catechumen eve Address to the Federal Assembly.

 In this case, the Cabinet will have to take steps to create a modern industry for the production of goods for people with disabilities, including the technical means of rehabilitation, TASS. Also, the government will need to provide for measures to address the problems related to the education and employment of persons with disabilities, the formation of a barrier-free environment.

 In his message to the Federal Assembly President stressed that an important role in promoting healthy lifestyles played for winning the Olympics in Sochi, Russia in 2014, and once again congratulated Olympians on this success. Putin is convinced that “our society will be truly united if we are to ensure equal opportunities for all.” “In the state of the program should include measures to vocational training and employment of the disabled, on the formation of a barrier-free environment in all spheres of life,” – he emphasized.

 Recall how the implementation of the program proceeds “Accessible Environment” in our region that is undertaken in order to adapt existing buildings and roads for the needs of the citizens and guests of Pskov, consider whether developers new legal requirements in terms of the availability of space, read in the project “Accessible Environment” on CDR,





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             Gasoline prices


    gas station 92 95 DT
    Neft, Riga etc. 31.00 34.40, 35.50 32.90
    Neros 31.00 34.00 33.30
    TNK 31.15, 31.65 34.45 33.15
    Lukoil, ul. Highway 31.24 34.34, 34.44 33.14
    Vestek 31.25 34.25 32.80
    PTC st. Chudskaya 31.29 34.59 33.19





             Rate of exchange


    Bank USD
    покупка продажа
    Советский 52,50 54,20
    Savings 51,05 55,25
    PSB 51,65 55,15
    BIN 52,00 54,99
    VTB 24 51,78 54,82









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