Saturday, December 6, 2014

SBU accused Kadyrov of international terrorism – a REGNUM

SBU accused Kadyrov of international terrorism – a REGNUM

06.12.2014 16:52





«Security Service of Ukraine opened criminal proceedings on the fact of terrorist threats against deputies Ukraine from a citizen of the Russian Federation, Ramzan Kadyrov, “- as the correspondent IA REGNUM , the press service of the SBU about this today, December 6, said adviser to the chairman of the SBU Markiyan Lubkivsky.

According to He said that the SBU “strengthened security measures against members of the Ukrainian parliament, which sounded to the threat (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Yuri Birch, Andrew and Igor Levus Mosiychuk – IA REGNUM)», – said in a statement.

In turn, the head of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaychenko said that “the terrorist threat, no matter where they may sound, are international crimes and face our resolute rebuff».

Nalyvaychenko believes that the threat of kidnapping and killing a rhetoric international terrorists and also should get a proper assessment of the international community.

Also, Kadyrov responded to threats Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. According to him, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine started an inquiry into threats from the leader of the Chechen Republic Kadyrov. About this Avakov wrote on his page on Facebook.

«What qualifications to threats from Kadyrov Ukrainians, the Ministry of Internal Affairs started an inquiry into these threats and, most likely, a consequence make appropriate sanctions against Ramzan Kadyrov,” – said Avakov.

Let’s remind, the head of the Chechen Republic Kadyrov instructed law enforcement agencies and special forces in Chechnya to open a criminal case against members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Yuri Birch, Andrew and Igor Levus Mosiychuk. “Tonight, I have instructed law enforcement agencies and special forces of the Czech Republic to immediately initiate criminal proceedings against deputies of Ukraine Yuri Birch, Andrew and Igor Levus Mosiychuk. They publicly supported the terrorists involved in the death in Grozny 14 police officers, “- wrote in his Instagram Kadyrov.

See also

He accused the Ukrainian deputies supporting terrorists in the Caucasus. “The so-called deputies were in favor of assisting such bandit raids. We have previously suggested that the Ukrainian fascists and nationalists provide financial or other assistance remnants of terrorists in the Caucasus. Now no doubt left. In connection with the new circumstances, I have instructed to take comprehensive measures to apprehend and deliver to Chechnya said persons, as well as other felon – Isa Munayev “- Kadyrov said.


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