International human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) in its report noted that the Russian authorities in the past year been involved in human rights violations.

source Pravda.Ru
As noted by AI experts, the Russians faced restrictions in their rights to opinion, freedom of assembly and associations. Also, in their opinion, concern the situation with LGBT rights.
The organization noted that the Russian government in 2015 sought to the opinion of consolidation around the ideas of patriotism and “traditional values”, but made of this I concluded that this was for the sake of enhanced control over the Internet, and NGOs have faced severe pressure and retaliation in connection with the application of the law on foreign agents.
it was also mentioned decrease in the number of protests. According to the report, this is due to the fact that they offer to spend away from the city center, and it is, of course, is in the negative.
<-! Noindex -> <-! / Noindex ->Separately, the report discussed the situation in the North Caucasus. According to Amnesty International, in 2015 in these regions “took place less attacks by armed groups” than in the past five years. In addition, it was to do less reports of human rights violations, which is associated “with a decrease in the activity of human rights defenders and independent journalists,” as a result of the pressure exerted on them.
In general, the findings, of course, biased. One could recall the scandalous investigation of a prominent opposition journalist Yulia Latynina – the fact that Amnesty International glorious defense of radical Islamic movements. Or the statements of one of evroofisov AI that “Israel and Russia is a state of bastards”, and then the headquarters of AI has refused to apologize. Or, in extreme cases, the publication of Western journalists that the AI reports are used and should be used for the US political pressure on “the second and third world countries.” But without the facts – an obstinate thing
With regard to the law on NGOs -. Russia took an option, similar to the US, Israeli and European and strange to blame it for that. The Russian Internet, compared with the United States reigns solid wrestler, as blocked only extremist resources, child porn, and sites of sale and distribution of drugs and weapons.
Yes, the reasons for the growth of patriotism in Russia was more than usual all social scientists – from VTsIOM to Levada-center – note the rise of patriotic sentiment. At the same time, opposition leaders themselves admit that they can not gather mass protests, even in the center – and Amnesty blames the government. According to them, apparently, a great freedom in Russia will be the Maidan?
According to experts Politonlayn, reducing the problems of the North Caucasus have to explain not “decreased activity of human rights defenders and independent journalists”, and trivial things in order in many areas of life . But who in this respect in the West was interested in the present state of affairs?
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