«I remember how, I’m afraid. Either she was drunk, or even by something. Went so quietly, showed the horror and cried from time to time “, – says Monday morning in an interview with” Gazety.Ru “a girl named Natasha, who sells newspapers at subway” October field “. It is seen that even a few hours after seeing a woman greatly worried: her hands so much shaking that it hardly takes out a pack of cigarettes and lights up
Reports of suspicious woman near the metro station “October Field,” began to arrive. in the first half of the day. According to witnesses, an unknown in hijab walked around the station on the street Marshal Birjuzova, shouting incoherently some phrases.
Videos and photos with a woman in clothing reminiscent of the hijab, Monday replicated all Russian media. On the record shows a woman walking near the exit of the subway with the head of a young child that has brought in a black plastic bag. From time to time a woman beats his chest and threatens to burst, shouting “Allahu Akbar»
«When we went out on the porch, we saw that she was lying on the pavement, -. told a worker in the nearby cafe” Lukum “Inna . – And then suddenly he jumped up. She was wearing a hijab and face showed that she was coming. Periodically, she shouted “Allahu Akbar.” At this point, passersby witnessed the terrible picture: a woman, shook all in black, took out brought a package with the severed head of a young child and raised it up
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respond calmly, and on one of the videos you can see how from this bodied ladies shies at the police
However, some passers-by. some even remove what is happening on the mobile phone. In one of the commercials were sealed as to the scene pulled together several police departments. And the guards just in case equipped with helmets and body armor. Also at the scene were tightened sappers of the FSB and the Interior Ministry.
Ten minutes later, a woman in black suits sharply fighter patrol police service, grabs her free hand, holding the wrestling acceptable “turntable” and the suspect is on the pavement. Police firmly holding her hand and pulls her legs knees, apparently in order to prevent the alleged killer trigger the bomb, which it threatened to undermine in the metro. To a place of confrontation between the police and others come running to help a colleague. The explosive device was not in Bobokulovoy
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Meanwhile, in house in the street of the People’s Militia, which Bobokulova worked in one of the apartments, the Emergency Situations Ministry put out a fire. Presumably, the nurse herself after killing the child of their employers and set fire to their apartment. On Monday, “Gazety.Ru” correspondent visited the scene. In recent months, the whole street People’s Militia dug under total renovation. Because of this, the overall impression of the area depressed. The house is an ordinary nine-a panel. At the entrance is noticeable that the repair for a long time was not there. However, it is quite clean. Strong smell of burning. Two-bedroom apartment burned completely. The walls and floor black with soot
On the floor -. Charred teddy bear, ironing board, kettle, more precisely, that of all that left
Instead of furniture – the charred embers. Remains of things lying around in disarray. Extinguishing dobilo what was not destroyed by fire. The investigator, policeman and journalists constantly stumble on some items.
«I and my children were asleep when the doorbell rang frightened senior on the porch (it is with us on the same landing lives). Shouting “We’re burning!”. I just opened the door to let her in the apartment immediately threw smoke. Firefighters wearing gas masks running around, yelling that all were evacuated. And where to evacuate, when all sides belching smoke and breathe? I grabbed my children and the neighbor went with them to the balcony. There we waited, and when the fire extinguish “, – says Marina, a neighbor of the family affected. Other witnesses said that after the fire in the apartment where the murder occurred, burst windows and the sharp loud bang, some have taken for the blast.
About the family itself neighbors know very little, because in this house many apartments shall, accordingly, constantly changing tenants. The victim’s family almost did not communicate with other residents entrance. The family, who came to the capital from the Oryol region, there were four people: a husband, wife and two children – a teenager of 15 years and a four-year girl. Catherine – mother killed the child – as soon as she learned of the tragedy, lost consciousness from a severe shock. It urgently hospitalized. Father, in spite of a nervous breakdown, went to give evidence to investigators.
family’s neighbors told “Gazeta.ru” that the 38-year-old worked for Bobokulova affected family for a long time and has always been a traditional Muslim clothing.
«I still have a year and a half I noticed that this is very unusual for our places dressed lady somewhere drove the child and led back to their apartment. I do not know who she was and where it came from, “- said 36-year-old Alex, who lives with his wife in the next entrance. According to him, the family lived quite comfortably, at least had the car-foreign car.
According to the portal LifeNews, the nurse first strangled the little girl, and then cut off her head. On the crime a woman could reportedly push the news of her husband’s infidelity, though, as it is related to the child, it is unclear. According to the Federal Migration Service in Moscow, Bobokulova arrived in Russia legally and migration card indicated that he was going to work. However, to purchase a patent it does not bother, but her employer did not pay attention to whether it has documents that give the right to work in the Russian capital. At the time of the audit in relation to visitors from Uzbekistan it can be arrested on the investigation request, and then her fate will decide any court or tribunal and psychiatrists Commission.
The suspect in the murder of four-year girls arriving from Uzbekistan at this time questioned. According to security officials, Gulchekhra Bobokulova detained for 48 hours and is located in one of the ATS. Meanwhile, according to the «Interfax»,
woman has confessed to the crime.
On Monday night, investigators conducted with her investigative experiment in which she had to tell all the details of the crime. Earlier it was reported that attempts to interrogate the detainees did not give significant results, since it is practically not able to logically answer questions because of the effects of some drugs or due to psychotic state.
The Investigative Committee in Moscow have already announced that agency workers will apply for a forensic psychiatric examination to determine whether a woman could give an account of their actions. Investigators SC filed against Bobokulovoy criminal case under Part. 2 tbsp. 105 of the Criminal Code (murder of infant). The maximum penalty for this article is a life sentence, but for women a maximum term of imprisonment under this article – 20 years in prison

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