Moscow. February 20th. INTERFAX.RU – Failure of the UN Security Council to support the Russian draft resolution on the sovereignty of Syria is a consequence of the serious contradictions in the positions of Russia and the West to resolve the situation in the country, said the chairman of the State Duma International Affairs Committee Alexei Pushkov
“I think. that this resolution has been broken, not because of some of its weaknesses, but because it reflects the very deep, I would say fundamental contradictions between the Western powers and Russia on Syria, “- said Pushkov” Interfax “on Saturday.
he said the conflict, despite the seemingly common interest in resolving the situation, have not disappeared. “They are saved, and the existence of certain general principles recognized by all the parties, unfortunately, does not lead to the overcoming of these basic contradictions” -. Said the politician
He believes that the failure of the adoption of the Russian project, which calls to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria, should be regarded as “a continuation of Western maneuvers led by the United states to create the optimum conditions for carrying out its policy in Syria and maximum embarrassment Russian line”.
according to the MP, this the outcome was to be expected, although it would seem, the resolution calls on Syria to respect the sovereignty, with which, in principle, all members of the Security Council agree. As noted Pushkov, the last Security Council resolution on Syria’s sovereignty in this country just recognized. “So here it is not so much the content of the Russian resolution”, – he said
The politician has designated two fundamental, in his view, the time, which explains the UN Security Council’s position in this situation
.. Firstly, he believes, the Western participants of the Security Council want to maintain the possibility to influence the Syrian situation through military instruments. “I can not exclude that, for all that the Western media reports about the US reluctance to see the armed intervention of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in Syria, however, such plans are being worked out,” – said the parliamentarian
. In any case, he said, “no more, as of yesterday, the US stated that Turkey has the right to self-defense.” “Apparently, we are talking about the invasion of Turkish troops on the Syrian territory and fighters from Turkey is considered as the implementation of Turkey’s right to defend itself”, – said the deputy
Meanwhile, in his words, Turkey’s Syria. threatening. “So when the US says about the right of Turkey to defend itself, it is absolutely absurd statement of the problem – it is a question of justification is actually the beginning of the Turkish military operations in the border area is already on Syrian territory”, – said the deputy
The second point. according to Pushkov, it is that in the United States are making every effort to hinder Russia’s military operation and the promotion of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. “That is, stick to their previous line – stop the Syrian army not to give her to press the militants,” – said the MP
He added that in order to support this line sacrificed the prospects of the struggle against the so-called “Islamic State.” (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) . “Because on the ground against the IG fighting only the Kurds and the Syrian army, the Syrian army – this is the main force”, – said Pushkov
“Trying to stop the Syrian army action and supporting Turkey, the United States in this case is impaired. the combat capabilities of the Kurds, the freedom of maneuver for the Kurds and, of course, trying to limit the actions of the Syrian army and Russia “, – said the deputy
.” Hiding behind the recognition of common objectives to combat LIH, the US and its allies actually want to use its military presence, military instruments in order to not in any way prevent the Assad government to strengthen its position, to release a significant part of the territory of Syria and strengthened “, – said Pushkov

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