Non-professional journalists can not work at the polling stations , considered the United Russia party. Their bill on compulsory accreditation prevent the “Voices” and similar organizations Observer
The deputy chairman of the Duma committee on constitutional legislation and state building Dmitry Vyatkin United Russia has prepared legislative amendments that impose additional requirements for journalists on election day. This he himself told RBC. The amendments do not allow candidates and non-profit organizations to send to the polling stations observers under the guise of the media.
Changes prepared for the second reading of another bill Vyatkina, it has already made in December. One proposal concerns the amendments to the Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights” and “On elections of deputies of the State Duma.” February 24 they will consider the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, and February 26 the Duma can accept them in the final reading, Vyatkin hopes. “Taking into account the authority of our colleagues and the elaboration of the initiative, I hope that the committee recommends them to take,” – said RBC Chairman Vladimir Pligin Committee
The experience of not less than two months
The bill, according to Vyatkina provides that the work at polling stations on election day will be able to only those journalists who were accredited in the pre election commission. Accreditation is necessary for the three days prior to election day. Introduce and personal requirements: accreditation will receive only those who work in the editorial office at least two months and is either in the state or is paid on the basis of a civil contract. We are talking about elections at all levels: federal though, even though municipalities, the author notes
What is the level of election commission will deal with accreditation and what documents need to provide, after the CEC decides to separate regulation, said Vyatkin.. Most likely, this will be the region’s election commission, which will need to provide a copy of the employment contract or employment record (make sure that a journalist working for at least two months), says the source close to the leadership of the Duma. According to him, the accreditation is likely to give the right to work at any polling station within the same region.
What are the changes
Journalists have the right to work site during the voting and counting as well as demand from the Commission a copy of the protocol on the basis of the editorial identity, reminds Vyatkin. According to him, this has led to the fact that very often in the guise of journalists in the areas were people who do not have the media in any way. “They just prevented other journalists. It is necessary to stop the work of those who abuse the law “, -. Considers it
It is system that the organization was engaged in” Voice “, argues in favor of the bill source close to the leadership of the State Duma. She regularly hired ordinary people who, in agreement with the editorial offices went to the polls and in the guise of journalists working in the capacity of observers, he said. “And then they reported the alleged violations, and observers from the candidate as well as independent journalists, who no longer believe. The “Voice” gets foreign funds. It is unlikely that they spend on a real help to us “, – says the interlocutor of RBC
That is why it is important to register in the law that accreditation should get those who really have some time working in the editorial office, and not random. people, explains the source. “Hereby reporters it did not hurt. For them, in fact, nothing changes – he insists. – To work in the CEC, for example, and so need to be accredited. ” He added that the authors of the amendments do not change anything in the media before the election – it is only the observation of election day. The rights of journalists on election day as the law does not change, he said. In addition, the media still can be accredited to the polls any number of their employees – as long as they comply with the requirements of law, he adds
The authorities want to drastically reduce the number of independent election observers, said RBC co-chairman of the movement “The Voice.” Gregory Melkonyants. “Now in Russia there is no independent monitoring institution: public organizations may send observers to any of the candidates and parties, or from the media. In the first case it is the actual observer dependence. By limiting the possibility of observing the elections to the representative status of the media, the government drastically cut the number of public inspectors in the elections “, – he says. According to him, the movement was planning to send to monitor the upcoming elections freelance correspondents of the newspaper “Civic Voice” or other partner media at no charge, and the money to pay for their work at no movement. The amendments will affect also the media, as after receiving the accreditation, they will not be able to change their correspondents or their location on voting day, observes it.
A member of the Presidential Human Rights Council, the head close to the Kremlin organization ROIIP Igor Borisov claims that the amendments do not interfere with the work of journalists, but will cut those media under the guise of performing the functions of party observers. “In general, we see that the State Duma has taken the trend to regulate the presence of observers on sites”, -. It says
Ready for elections
This year, the State Duma It has already passed a bill that limits the number of observers from political parties and candidates in the polling stations. Amendments to the bill of the Communists made Pligin Vyatkin and communists in a new kind of law did not vote. Now, in every election commission may include no more than two observers from the candidate or party, and they can monitor the voting and counting one by one, and the candidates are required three days before the date of the vote in the direct election commission a list of its observers. Previously, the number of observers from the candidate or the party has not been restricted. Vladimir Putin has signed the document.
In recent years, the Duma election law changes, not only in connection with the observation. MPs from the “United Russia” contributed to the lower house a bill on mandatory participation of candidates in the election debates. It is also prohibited to send candidates to debate in his place their representatives. This, for example, does not allow to participate in the debate led by FBK Alexei Navalny: he can not be elected as having a criminal record, but during the campaign RPR-Parnas in Kostroma in 2015 successfully advocated the party members on television. The bill passed its first reading and will be discussed in the second meeting of the profile committee on 24 February.
Later, MPs from the Liberal Democratic Party introduced a bill prohibiting candidates for election campaign materials to use in the image of non-candidates. Thus, United Russia will not be able to use the image of Vladimir Putin and the opposition – photos by Alexey Navalny. The project was passed by the Duma in the first reading.
The amendments Vyatkina, in which he proposes to include new requirements for the press, have been made at the end of December. They clarify the procedures and organization of the elections. In particular, the MPs have registered that contained in prison people do not have the right not only to elect and to be elected, but also “to carry out other electoral activities,” such as to participate in the campaign.

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