Moscow / 22.02.2016 7:55 /
Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen sacked the government of the republic. It happened after the head of the region received a reprimand from the President of the Russian Federation for non-performance of people resettlement program of dilapidated housing. His colleague from the Baikal region on the same formal occasion resigned.
The responsibility for the crisis in the socio-economic sphere of Karelia in fact bear a lag of government and head of the republic, said the deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly Alexander Stepanov.
«of course, the government of Karelia was for that to dismiss. First of all, the first deputy head of the republic Oleg Telnov, who oversees construction and housing and communal services. Problems with housing and communal services – is the “eternal” problem. If you now not to change anything in this area, the next scandal will be associated with the overhaul of the fund, because the overhaul of the program is not executed. Many problems are created in areas of the country and marching in recent years “optimization” of health and education, “- listed the MP
Alexander Stepanov believes that the composition of the republic’s leadership should identify themselves its inhabitants during the elections and, above all. , there is a need for direct election of the first person. “I voted against the appointment of Alexander Khudilainen. But, regardless of the relationship to the current governor, it should be emphasized that in Karelia should be, finally, the election of the first persons of the country. Karelia democratic, in the best sense of the word region. Therefore, to name the head of the name of the region should do the locals “- said the MP
According to observers, the abnormal situation in Karelia when it’s official, appointed by the federal center has real leverage to be able to push the other. local leaders. So, last year with great resonance lost power mayor of Petrozavodsk Galina Shirshina. Formally, the process of retirement initiated by deputy city council, but such a step deputies went only with the approval of the first person of the regional authorities. Shirshin was destined to be the last chosen gradonachalnitsey republican capital: now the head of Petrozavodsk will determine the city deputies – obviously in agreement with the regional authorities
Karelian opposition for a long time and hard to lead a public campaign for the resignation of the head of the republic, and they do not. satisfied with the resignation of the regional government. As the correspondent of “Rosbalt” member “of the Public Committee for the resignation Khudilainen”, member of the bureau of the party “Yabloko” Dmitry Rybakov, by a change of government no one is waiting for changes in the country for the better.
The expert believes that the problems of Karelia not only by resettlement program of emergency shelter and other programs. “The question is large and serious conflict that exists within the regional elites, unhealthy atmosphere in Petrozavodsk, Karelia parliament. On the eve of elections, it can affect the electoral mood, and because the governor will need to build a new vector of development of the region, the vector relationship of the regional elites, “- said Dmitry Solonnikov
It should be reminded that the head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen sacked the government. republic. It happened after the head of the region received a reprimand from the President of the Russian Federation for non-performance of people resettlement program of dilapidated housing.

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