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UN Security Council unanimously supported the United States and Russia presented the text of the resolution on the cessation of hostilities in Syria.
The truce should begin February 27, 00:00 time Damascus – this is the United States and Russia announced on 22 February. The cease-fire backed moderate opposition.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov called the adoption of a resolution in support of the US-Russian agreement on the cease-fire, “an important collective step” on the path of a political settlement of the conflict.
He also said that the cease-fire in Syria must be observed strictly and without preconditions.
on Friday evening, US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said that Russia is ready to abstain from air strikes on Syrian groups, which are considered a moderate opposition.
for Russia, supported by the government of Syria, there came a time when she needs to be held accountable for their words, said Toner. Moscow can demonstrate how seriously it relates to a truce in Syria.
Earlier, US President Barack Obama warned Russia that all parties must abide by the truce. However, its provisions do not apply to extremist groups -. Such as banned in Russia and many other countries of the “Islamic State”
“The next few days will be critical [for the fate of Syria], for it will keep the whole world if you look. more broadly, it is a test that will show whether or not all the parties are willing to negotiate, “- Obama told reporters after the national security Council meeting said
The American president said that Washington is not going to go to a truce with the “Islamic state” and will advance to the jihadists “on all fronts”.
” We will destroy this barbaric terrorist organization, “- said Obama, adding that the IG -” not a caliphate, and criminal association “
Obama also reiterated that the civil war in Syria will not end as long. while in power in Damascus remains President Bashar al-Assad.
He added that on the issue in the United States remains “substantial differences” with Russia, Iran and some other regional players.
“But it is obvious that after many years of barbarous treatment of the regime against its own people, many in Syria do not lay down their arms as long as Assad will not go away, “- said Obama
the Syrian government has confirmed that it intends to cease hostilities, except for those operations, which are aimed at combating terrorism.
the Syrian authorities have also stated that, together with Russia will continue to identify areas where there are armed groups, and reserves the right to respond to any breach of contract on the part of rebel groups.
since September last year Russia does air strikes against the forces opposing Assad .
The Syrian Government also stressed that it is extremely important to ensure tight border controls to prevent assistance from outside the armed rebels.

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