Cruelty to animals as a child then goes to the people, he said on the air, “Russian news service” forensic psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov. He was commenting on the case became known when the three young men in the Ryazan region killed the cat tied to it petard.
«Between childish pranks and ill-treatment of animals is a boundary. First, such villains are choosing a weak victim, who can not offer resistance – cats, dogs. And they feel its power, and this power revel “- said Vinogradov
According to him, these tendencies come from families and companies from yards, “where the boys to each other trying to show is their false heroism».
«Unfortunately, in a society such things turn a blind eye. But the people who are serving sentences for serious crimes – murder, rape, beating – began with such things [with the abuse of animals - approx. PCH] as a child “, – summed up the criminologist
Earlier LifeNews reported that arrested for the brutal killing of a cat in the village Vyshgorod Ryazan region will not be punished, because the statute of limitations for such crimes in Russia is two years, and to date has already expired.
In spring 2005, three men, one of whom was later convicted of the murder of a man decided to have fun and a cat tied to a small explosive device. From the received wounds died animal. Petruhin A. Copley M. Komarov and all his actions were recorded on video.
On the Internet there was a petition demanding to punish them “to the fullest extent of the law.” “Feeling impunity, violence knows no boundaries and does not stop at nothing! While our law is not tough enough for this kind of sadism, it is the moral decay of the people “, – the document says. The petition was signed by more than 17 thousand people.
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