MOSCOW, February 23 – RIA Novosti The decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case “Kirovlesa” politicized, however, Russia is obliged to implement it, said the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Alexander Tarnavskiy <.. / p> The European court of human rights (ECHR) issued a judgment in the case “Kirovlesa”, which refused to recognize him as politically motivated, but said infringement Alexei Navalny and Peter Ofitserova to a fair trial, and therefore decided to pay them compensation from hand RF: court costs in the amount of 48 and 22 thousand euros, respectively, as well as 8,000 euros each in damages.
“As long as we are members of the European Convention (on Human Rights), and it includes 48 states, as a general rule, all decisions of the ECHR are binding for Russia. Russia can put the question to the Constitutional Court of Russia, whether it is necessary to perform a particular decision . Therefore, as long as a general rule, the decision to be performed, “-. said RIA Novosti Tarnavskiy
As previously reported RIA Novosti press-service of the Council of Europe, the ECHR decision of the Russian government to pay compensation Navalny and Ofitserova is not final and may be reviewed within three months in the event of receiving a request from either party.
“You have to understand that the ECHR consists of representatives of 48 States parties. Each country will delegate one judge. While European countries are deal with the pressure on Russia to keep sanctions against Russia, respectively, the citizens of these countries are the European Court judges will take politicized decisions against Russia “, – said Tarnavskiy
In his opinion, this is another political decision of the ECHR.. “With this decision, we once again see the politicization of the judicial authority, although we have long been nothing surprising,” – said the deputy
He believes that in such a situation should be treated calmly
.. “We understand what is happening Such external conditions occurring We take this as children who vrednichat sitting on some presentation, do not want to listen to their parents the same way, enter the European institutions…”, – said the MP
“we have two options: either to withdraw from these institutions, which we do not consider it necessary to do, or wait for the anti-Russian sentiment calm down, calm down,” – said Tarnavskiy
Bulk and ex-head “. Vyatka forest companies’ officers in 2013 were sentenced in the case of “Kirovlesa” by 5 and 4 years probation for embezzlement of property companies. Earlier in the same case were also convicted and former general director of “Kirovlesa” Vyacheslav opal. Thirtieth December 2014 Bulk has also received a suspended sentence in the case of “Yves Rocher”. Lublin Moscow court last year, considered the representation of the FSIN to amend the convict on probation in the case of a real “Kirovlesa”, rejected it, however, extend the probationary period up to April 2019.

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