Vladikavkaz, February 22, 2016, 01:37 – REGNUM Heavy snowfall in the North Caucasus are doing unsafe traffic on the roads in the region. Due to the threat of avalanches, blocked traffic along the Transcaucasian highway in both directions, as well as the Georgian Military Road in the direction of exit from Russia, the press service of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.
introduced MOE prohibition applies to all vehicles and operates in the area Transkam Buron – North portal of the Roki tunnel from 00:30 on 22 February. The movement of the Georgian Military Road closed to the side exit from the territory of the Russian Federation in the area of Vladikavkaz – Lars from 23:30 February 21
In both cases, restrictions apply until further notice
MOE.. Russia encourages drivers not to travel in these areas.
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