The queue for the farewell ceremony with the miners who died February 25 as a result of the accident at the mine” Severnaya »
Relatives of those killed in the accident at the “Severnaya” mine believe that the level of methane long before the explosion exceeded the permissible limits. Officials insist of natural disasters
The relatives do not agree
To prevent an explosion at the mine “Severnaya” was impossible, said on Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich at a meeting Dmitry Medvedev Prime Minister. “There was an abrupt rise in methane levels, ie intermittent output, a gradual increase in the level of not, sensors no such fixed and prevent the emission control devices is virtually impossible,” – said the official
Earlier, the same version of the call. the main representative of Rostekhnadzor. The head of department Pechora Minister Alexander Goncharenko also said that the accident at the “North” is the natural character. True, p res secretary RTN Julia Neposedova RBC clarified that while this version is just a guess: “The final conclusions will be made only on the basis of the commission’s work.” Call deadlines for the completion of the investigation, it could not, recalling that the mine still occur explosions.
Relatives of the dead miners do not agree with the version of natural disasters. Darius Tryasuho daughter allegedly killed underground electrician Vyacheslav Tryasuho, published on his page on the social network “VKontakte” picture portable analyzer of one of the miners, coming down into the mine “Northern” on February 11. The picture shows the methane rate is 2.55%, while the maximum permitted concentration of gas, according to the instructions of Rostekhnadzor (approved by order of Minister of December 1, 2011 №678), is 2%.
«Photo counter talks about possible security breaches, the accumulation of methane – commented RBC picture head of the Independent Trade union of miners Alexander Sergeyev. – A critical level of methane is more than 5%, and at a concentration of more than 9% can occur spontaneous explosion “. According to Sergeyev, the important thing, as “North” leadership reacted to the accumulation of methane: Has work on degasification or the level of gas every day increased, approaching critical. “But also the rate of 2.55% is counter infringement instructions RTN”, -. He adds
The head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov at the farewell ceremony for the miners
Accidents and their perpetrators
«Ulyanovsk”, 2007. 110 dead
The largest by the number of victims of the accident in the history of domestic coal mining took place March 19, 2007. Then 110 people were killed in explosions methane-air mixture and coal dust in the mine “Ulyanovsk” in the Kemerovo region. The mine belonged to the company “JUzhkuzbassugol”. The accumulation of gas, how to write the ITAR-Tass news agency, was due to the deliberate disabling MAG equipment working on the instructions manual. The cause of the explosion was a spark arose when damaged Combine cable.
According to the verdict, announced in November 2010, found guilty of the tragedy of the mine manager Vladimir Poluyanov, sentenced to 3.5 years kolonii- settlement, and the engineer section ventilation and safety Nina Bychkova, received 3 years probation.
«Raspadskaya», 2010. 91 dead
91 people died as a result of two explosions of methane in the mine “Raspadskaya” (Kemerovo region), May 8-9, 2010. Another 100 people were injured, 11 people were killed and their bodies were never found. The main causes of the accident, according to Rostekhnadzor, was a violation of the dust mine mode, the lack of proper control over the features of coal self-heating by the mine workers, failure to provided projects of preventive measures to prevent coal endogenous heating, instability of the mine power supply.
In January 2015, the Central investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia announced the end of preliminary investigation and detained the main defendants in the case: the former director of “Raspadskaya” Igor Volkov, the chief engineer of the mine Andrey Druzhinin, his first deputy Vladislav Walz, as well as the technical director of the Raspadskaya coal company Anatoly Ryzhov.
«Ziryanovsk”, 1997. 67 dead
as a result of explosion of methane and coal dust in the mine “Ziryanovsk” December 2, 1997 killed 67 people. The cause of the disaster, as reported by ITAR-TASS news agency, began action combiner which crushed rocker combine self-rescuer, provoked an explosion suddenly appeared at the bottom of the gas.
None of the miners and punish mine managers not suffered.
«Tayzhina”, 2004. 47 dead
47 miners were killed in a methane explosion at the mine “Tayzhina” ( Kemerovo region) April 10, 2004. In July of the same year, it became known that the Prosecutor of the Kemerovo region has stopped a criminal investigation into the miners’ deaths.
According to the investigation, there was no event, and an offense under article “Violation of the rules security, resulting in the death of two and more persons “, – reported IA REGNUM
« Anniversary », 2007. 39 dead
. The explosion of methane-air mixture at the mine “Anniversary” (Kemerovo region), May 24, 2007 killed 39 people.
RTN Commission found 35 persons responsible for the accident. Among those responsible was specified CEO and co-owner of the company which owned the mine “JUzhkuzbassugol” Georgy Lavrik. According to experts, it does not provide control over the observance of safe working conditions at the mine. Also agency experts have identified the economic damage from the accident at the mine. According to the Commission, it has made 167.7 million rubles.
On the prosecution responsible have not been reported. After the second year of a major accident Georgy Lavrik and its partners had to sell its 50% stake in “JUzhkuzbassuglja ‘second co-owner of the company -. Evraz Group
« Central », 1998. 27 dead
In case of fire and subsequent explosion of methane and coal dust in the mine “Central” near Vorkuta February 18, 1998 killed 27 miners. The exact causes of the disaster, as “Kommersant” wrote in July 1998, have not been established. Results of the investigation are unknown.
Natural causes
In the press-service of “Vorkutaugol” (owns “the North”, it is a a group of “Severstal” Alexey Mordashov) did not dispute the authenticity of the pictures published Tryasuho. “We do not know, these measurements have been made in which the mine site. In the gas analyzer can not see his number and it is not known to whom it was issued, so you can compare with the performance of devices other miners who were in the same place “, – said the representative of the company at the RBC request, adding that in different parts of the mine methane levels may vary of natural causes. According to the “Vorkutaugol” air and gas security “North” does not show an excess gas and seysmoobstanovki mine recently. At the time of the accident the system recorded a strong release of methane, which happens when a mountain strike.
As the materials’ Vorkutaugol “mine” North “was equipped with Canadian security system Flexcom. It produces an alert in the event of emergency situations, provides surveillance, stops the production activities in the case of a person entering the danger zone, can accurately locate the miners in mines.
Earlier, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on grounds of crime under Part .3 st.216 Criminal Code (violation of safety rules during mining, construction or other works, resulting in the death of two or more persons). As told RBC a source familiar with the investigation, Darius Tryasuho was questioned in the framework of the criminal case. However, the source declined to comment on the value of her testimony and presentation of images.
«If all safety systems are working properly, the likelihood of a methane explosion or rock burst is almost reduced to zero. According to statistics, 90% of all accidents in the mines – it is the human factor “- says an independent expert Alexander Gerausov (participated in the investigation of causes of the accident to” Ulyanovskaya “mine in 2007)
The regional edition of” My Vorkuta. ” He cites miners Proskuryakova Sergei and Michael Momot, who worked on the “North”. They claim that the content of methane in the mine is still a few days before the explosion exceeded the permissible limits
The first explosion at the “North” thundered February 25, the other two -. 27 and 28 February. As a result, 36 people were killed, including 31 miners and five rescuers.

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