The statements of US intelligence about threats from Russia linked with the discussion of the military budget in Congress, said the spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov.
«We were not unexpected loud statements of US security officials, uzrevshih in Russia the main threat to national US security. This wave raised annually in the same time. The reason is simple – the discussion in Congress of the size of the military budget for the next year “, – quotes Konashenkova” RIA
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« It is important to remember that the “Russian threat.” Since the middle of last century, is the most successfully “sold” threat Pentagon not only to the US Congress, but also NATO partners “, -. it
in early February, the Director of national intelligence James R. Clapper presented to Congress a report on global threats to US security, it mentioned and Russian added. This, in particular, with the protection of cyberspace: Moscow and Beijing, said Klepper, considering the impact on the cyberspace as an important geo-strategic tools. In addition, Russia is misinforming the people, he said.
The report also refers to the violation of the treaty Russia on short- and medium-range threats in space exploration activities, as well as the actions of Russia in the Arctic, where it is “certainly continue to maintain a military presence along the northern coastline. ” Another point, which is referred to Moscow, devoted to regional conflicts, in particular the situation in Ukraine, Syria and Turkey, as well as Russia’s policy in relation to neighboring countries.
On the threats from Russia on February 25 is also told the Supreme Chief of the Allied forces in Europe Philip Breedlove. Moscow is the US and its allies in Europe, he said in the Congress (quoted by the US Defense Department’s website) “existential threat.” European Command of the US armed forces to “contain Russia now and ready to fight and win, if it is required,” he added. “Russia is expanding its influence further course, to try to regain a leading role on the world stage,” – said Breedlove, noting that Moscow’s involvement in the Syrian war “exacerbating the problem”.

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