On board department president put law enforcement officers main tasks
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In the early spring of Vladimir Putin tradition of holding a series of meetings with security officials: manual of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor General’s Office, the Investigative Committee and the FSB in turn report to the Kremlin on the results of the past year and goals for the future. This time, the first in the schedule of President bore the visit to the KGB – not only because of his personal relationship with the FSB (Putin, as we know, was a career intelligence officer), but also a special mission, which stands in front of the Office in connection with the situation in the Middle East and the elections to the State Duma . In both cases, the secret services, by and large, it takes one and the same – to protect the interests of Russia, which are increasingly contradict recent general line of the Western partners
Photo: kremlin.ru
Since the FSB collegium held on the eve of the truce in Syria, which Russia and the US agreed on 22 February most of Putin’s speech was devoted to the Syrian issue. For the president, it was important once again to dot the «i» and difficult to identify points on which possible misunderstanding. The process of the armistice will be long and difficult, he warned of GDP. A ceasefire will not affect not only LIH and “Dzhabhat-en-Nusra”, but also “other terrorist organizations recognized as such by the UN Security Council.” “Fight with them will certainly continue. I would like to express the hope that our American partners proceed because of this, “- said the GDP
It is noteworthy that in the public domain no information on what other structures of those that operate in Syria, have been recognized. UN Security Council terrorism. In addition, a number of opposition forces fought with official Damascus together with units en-Nusra. There is a fair question whether they fall under the ceasefire? And the same whether in this respect the position of the main regulators of the peace process – that is, Russia and the United States
At the time of Putin’s speech to the FSB, the opposing forces were to mark their participation – or failure – in the armistice. (Collect calls shall end at noon on the Damascus time that an hour behind Moscow). However, Vladimir Putin on the results of “application campaign” nothing publicly reported, limiting the observation that “the information is received.” (His press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, also declined to disclose the number of groups that have expressed a desire to lay down their arms). Putin stressed that the termination of bloodshed – not the ultimate goal. The situation of “neither peace nor war” is not acceptable to Syria. The main task – to create the conditions “for the start of full-fledged vnutrisiriyskogo dialogue with all constructive political forces.” In the current situation, the Federal Security Service, according to the president, it is necessary to focus on curbing the activities associated with LIH underground groups and to strengthen control over the arriving refugees from the Middle East, under the guise of which also can hide terrorists. Taking advantage of the moment, Putin once again rejected accusations in the “heating” of the migrant crisis, “Look what is happening on the border with Macedonia – a refugee from Afghanistan. ? What does Russia’s actions in Syria »
Because of internal problems, which are not to slip out of sight of the FSB, Putin in his speech highlighted two – the upcoming parliamentary elections, and economic crimes. GDP revealed that regularly meets with reports of staff employees, from which it follows that the elections are showing interest not only to the political forces and parties, but also, “as they say, our enemies over the hill».
« It is necessary to prevent any outside attempts to interfere in the election process in our internal political life. You know that such technologies exist and have often been used in a number of countries. I repeat: this is a direct threat to our sovereignty and we will be on it to respond appropriately, “- said Putin
The head of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov (from his report, the journalists managed to hear only the beginning) was even more specific.. Enemies – is first and foremost the United States and its allies. And the threat of “color revolutions” is connected not only and not so much with the parliamentary elections, as followed by presidential elections. “There is a desire to provoke illegitimate change of the political leadership of our country”, – said Bortnikov. This “desire” seems to primarily implemented through employees of Western intelligence agencies, the number of which, according to the data announced at the board, is constantly growing. As, however, and the number of failures. If at the end 2014 FSB has reported about the detention of 290 foreign staff employees and agents, now – about 400. (Experts believe the official statistics the number of failures unlikely This was bound to cause scandals Gennady Gudkov, who like Putin had served in.. KGB thought that caught spies considered including people like Svetlana Davydova, from the window of the house had been watching a nearby military unit)
With regard to economic crime, at this stage, according to Putin, the most important thing – prevent theft in the area of defense procurement. “On ensuring the country’s defense is now allocated a lot can be said enormous resources – said the president – These funds should be the most reliable way protected from thieves»

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