” Dear citizens, not the crowd, passes quickly, do not hinder the passage of other citizens, “- police broadcast a megaphone on the Big Zamoskvoretsky bridge. He was not listened to. “Other people” here, in general, and it was not. All these people came to the bridge, to put flowers on the place of death of Boris Nemtsov. On the anniversary of his death, a makeshift memorial has grown a hundred times. The bridge was moving stream of people, stretched at least until the beginning of the Red Square.
Most who came were here to protest, which marched through the center of Moscow. With slogans such as “Boris!”, “This is our country” and “Down with the power of the KGB”, thousands of people marched through the Boulevard Ring and flooded a prospectus Sakharov.
Above them hung in the sky a few of police helicopters. Their presence was necessary in order to re-issue the statistics that fit poorly with reality. At the end of the march the police department announced that it was seven and a half thousand people. The experience of other such actions in a crowded segment their prospect. Sakharov placed no less than 20 thousand. Activists of the “White counter” stated that the march gathered 24 thousand people.
The march passed calmly. At the line, which carried a call for the release of Hope Savchenko, seized provocateur zapevshego anti-Ukrainian song. Many were puzzled by the presence on the procession of nationalists with a banner in the imperial colors, but this time, they called for an end to political repression.
chanted small and not very loud, standard blank prevailed among posters. This is the first mass rally of the year that has passed since the death of Nemtsov. During this year, the opposition has not often tried to collect similar processions, and the intention to hold a mass rally in April 2015, the first broke about the unwillingness of the authorities to allow the procession.
Nothing will change?
“I can not talk about the fear now, but after a year it is more apathy I think that this and sought, -. says 30-year-old Veronica, holding the sheet on which it is written in the hands of” Fight. “- Yes, there is understanding – nothing will change And it came during a year, but all I can -.. “.
Veronica passes by retainers with bandages to help the police in the protection of the procession. “SchA selfie do”, – says one of them, turning his back to the stream of people. What put signature? So far, he says the young man, did not come up. “But generally cool”
“It was previously thought, in that were interested and security forces, -. Lists the popular version of Jeanne Denisova, an activist of the RPR-Parnas -.. Security officials are also against kadyrovschiny So death, this sacred – it was necessary and that, and the other “
Joan agrees -. strengthening penalties for oppositional speech scares dissatisfied. “But it still continues Here [Ildar] Dadin planted -. And people still come to the monument to Zhukov,” -. It says about the traditional opposition meetings
In the two hours of the center of Moscow gathered those who in rest of the time strongly suggest that they are in the minority. “I live and work among those that Putin’s support, no one shares my environment, my beliefs – Plumber Maxim says -. I just came to make sure I’m not alone, we are many, that the country has not reached idiocy edge” .
nearby is a lawyer named Arthur, he, in his words, it is easier – “I am on the other days, I do not communicate with the people.” Counsel acknowledges that gathered at Sakharov Avenue – in the minority and does not believe that the murder of Nemtsov is an isolated excess, violation of rules of the game in Putin’s system of combating opponents. “The trend emerged a decade ago, with the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, and by and large, nothing has changed”, – says Arthur
The memory is there, the memorial is not
. “to some extent I feed off the energy at these meetings, – the designer Natalia -. We are many, and I want these people to live in the same city.” Natalia – among those who see in other oppositionists killed worthy replacement policy. “Yashin became more noticeable, he bold and smart. And I watch with interest to Khodorkovsky. He said that Putin should be released, not to punish”.
Natalia herself to such generosity is not capable. “It seems to me that evil must be punished Because there were many murders -.. And Politkovskaya, Litvinenko and I’m much angrier, I believe that we need lustration”
In these two hours disagree with Putin, could at least partially. restore confidence in the fact that once their protest will change the situation in Russia. Mountain flowers at the “Nemtsov Bridge” shows how many of those who remember the opposition and shocked by his death. However, the authorities ignore calls for installation at this point even the memorial plaque.
“Chem-to we irritate them, normal people – the doctor by the name of love. – I never for them to vote. They must it feels so very angry. ” Like all respondents, Love is confident that the truth about the murder of Boris Nemtsov, one should not expect in the coming years. “Do not hope that customers will soon find, but we all know who and how.”, – She says
“Client -. Over there, – says her companion, waving a hand at the Kremlin wall -. Who Well here will look? “.

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