February 27, 2016, 23:20 | Nemtsov | Kill | Memory event
In Moscow there was action in memory of politician Boris Nemtsov. Procession of the Passion from the Boulevard to Prospect Sakharov gathered, according to activists, more than 24 thousand. Participants. Capital management MIA reports a much smaller number -. 7.5 thousand Nemtsov himself repeatedly overcame this route led mass protest marches. Today came to honor the memory of former Deputy Prime Minister was accompanied by the words of the policy – of power, peace and war
As soon as the police have opened a passage to the place of gathering participants of the procession – at the agreed time with the city authorities – in metal detector frames crowded people. Many were carrying flowers, someone – a self-made posters. It can be clearly seen: the majority who came to the Holy Boulevard on the anniversary of the murder of one of the most prominent leaders of the democratic opposition Boris Nemtsov are not going to turn a memory into a political rally demonstration shouting slogans and determined intentions. The main requirement, which was heard over and over again in interviews with journalists, activists and bystanders, clearly supported by all: to find the culprits and punish them according to law. Each of these policies assessed work in different ways, but there is no one who would not have considered it “his».
Geremeev tell all he knows about the “case Nemtsov»
“All year we think about it, – says Nemtsov participant shares Flair. – And here’s yesterday included a video on the Internet and just burst into tears … It’s a pity it. Nemtsov – the personification of freedom. It is not for myself – it felt – like power to take or something else, namely the people »
For protests in Khimki Nizhny Novgorod trucker Michael Boris Nemtsov, first and foremost – a successful governor. “I know his business. He did a lot for the Nizhny Novgorod region as a whole. He was an honest, decent man “- he explains. Together with Michael to share his associates came through the camp – heavy-drivers from different regions. They do not stand out from the crowd, do not want to attract attention to the problem faced by the end of last year, and which has since lead the fight and came only to honor the policy. They all agree on the idea: “He fought for truth and justice” – and are ready to continue its undertakings
Beyond the metal detectors while collecting flashed volunteers collected signatures under the appeal to the City Hall on the establishment of a memorial in honor of the former deputy prime minister.
The well-known lawyer Henry Reznik Nemtsov calls his good friend and said duty involved in the action of memory. He expresses the opinion that the crime in the city center a year ago provoked the Russian authorities, “she may be, it did not want to.” “This is some abroad. This kind of murder could not happen without the tacit approval by some people who are in power, “- he says. The probability of a memorial at the place of the murder of opposition leader – the Grand Moscow River bridge – the lawyer admits. “Perhaps it will be an exception to the rule – he said. – Because we have a prospect (known in which city), who during his life called, I believe that this very terrible event, perhaps, should be taken into account. This should remind people of what can happen when the country is an attack on democracy, when in fact their mouths closed to people who think something is wrong, it is necessary to consider those in power ».
In order to ensure the event was thrown considerable force of law enforcement bodies and internal troops. Throughout the route the march columns – the left and right of the Passion of the boulevard – the cordon on duty, and in the sky above the protesters noisy helicopter blades
Anticipation of the rule of law held not deceived: even half an hour before the official start of the procession space on both sides of the boulevard was filled to overflowing. More than a hundred journalists crowded into a small space between the head of the column and the mobile policemen fence. Some of the reporters argued with riot police, trying to wade through the barrage. The rest nervously awaited the start and tried to set up the equipment. At this time, somewhere in the vicinity of the center of this kind of “heel” two overweight middle-aged activist helped the Japanese counterpart to understand the meaning of posters, raised above the column. They were bred statements Boris Nemtsov: “Put an end to the power of thieves!”, “The strength of the truth, and the truth for us,” “the right choice, you bastards!”. Last quote puzzled foreigner.
“He appealed to the authorities. A skunk – is the ancient name of the snake “- mused the first activist, but only aggravated the situation. I come to the aid of the second: “In general, this is a very bad people.” After a moment, the column started. The procession led by the chairman of the party Parnas Mikhail Kasyanov and his deputy, Ilya Yashin. Also kept in the forefront of the public figure Irina Prokhorova, economist Sergei Aleksashenko, journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr. policy Gennady and Dmitry Gudkov and Boris Nemtsov’s son Anton. They are holding a banner with “Killed for freedom” inscription. As soon as the movement began, protesters began chanting the name of the slain opposition leader. Followed in different parts of the tower were heard slogans calling to account the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov.
“Nemtsov was killed because he said what he thought. And this is the worst threat to the current leaders – every word of truth, every word free. So about Nemtsov memory for them is very dangerous and scary. The march shows how many people disagree with government policy, how many people they honor the memory of Nemtsov and how many people realize that the murder of Nemtsov as an act of intimidation, harassment, is a political execution, resorted to by the top via the bottom. And it is very dangerous for the future of our country “, – noted in the course of the march leader of the party” Yabloko “Grigory Yavlinsky
After the interview to the correspondent of “Rosbalt” came participant marches, intelligent middle-aged woman, and asked: “You told him that you need to integrate?” She insisted that “Apple” and Parnassus are obliged to go to the elections to the State Duma in September en bloc . However, at a meeting of the party leadership on the eve of the march of “Apple” completely rejected the idea. But the woman still did not retreated. “I have already approached 10 times, I have somehow uncomfortable. It is necessary to suppress the ambitions and unite. »
Having reached the final point of the procession, Academician Sakharov Avenue, protesters flocked to the Great Moscow River bridge. On the way to counter puzzled looked at the dense line of people with flowers. Driving by motorists honked loudly and sharply, without trying to grasp what was happening. Participants of the action in response shrugs. “On the one hand, I am terribly angry when I see people who do not know anything about what happened – emotionally reasoned blonde girl walking on Bolshaya Lubyanka in the company of a young man. – But on the other … I can understand. Mama I also resented in the nineties, when everything was boiling here. And some of her friends and did not notice anything. »
A great place and want to lay flowers stretched along the narrow sidewalk Greater Moscow River bridge up to the St. Basil’s Cathedral. The police did not block the movement of climb, limiting only the counter. It settled a truck with special equipment, broadcast monotonous appeal: “Dear citizens, the earnest request – do not linger. You hinder the passage of other citizens. Come towards the Sofia embankment ».
“We talked on the agreement:” Release the strip, give people a quiet place. ” But this is a humiliating attitude today! “- Resented one of the organizers of the rally in memory of Boris Nemtsov, Gennady Gudkov. – People come to the place of death, and they shout in my ear through a megaphone. Instead put the car traffic and let people communicate freely as here’s the guards here (he pointed to two police officers, to communicate in the right lane of the road nearby), ponastavili speakers! »
The police responded immediately, asking to change the dislocation Gudkov: “Come on, do not create a traffic jam here. Either there or here! »
“I’m your boss yesterday at the meeting said: vykroyte here place, put two cars. And you put a speaker in there! I beg you, at least tell them to shout in his ear not to people “, – said ex-deputy of the State Duma. However, his appeal was ignored.
According to Gudkov, the question of harmonization memorial Nemtsov will depend on the “degree of immorality of power.” “Install on this bridge plaque – it is not a question of power, they had to do it, because Boris Nemtsov was a colleague of many of those who now heads the country. He was the head of the faction, First Deputy Prime Minister, the Governor, Deputy. He was a member when he was killed. Well, just have to do it! “, – The politician believes
C him in solidarity head of the movement “Choice of Russia” Vladimir Ryzhkov, who also visited the scene of the murder of Boris Nemtsov. According to him, today’s action has affected the investigation of the crime: as wanted by Interpol has been declared the alleged organizer – Ruslan Mukhutdinov. “They (the authorities, -” Rosbalt “) must understand that tens of thousands of people will go out every year and require customers to call the names and the organizers of the crime. I think – yes, sooner or later (will be able to agree on a memorial – “Rosbalt”), because public opinion is very much in the direction of pressing. And today’s action is revealed, “- he said,
Dennis Goldman

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