MOSCOW, February 25 – RIA Novosti The murder of Russian politician Boris Nemtsov as a whole did not affect the political situation in the country, but it was into the hands of pro-US opposition and Western powers can use it a crime in their. to believe polled by RIA policy news.
Nemtsov, who was killed in the center of Moscow on the night of February 28 last year, held in the 1990s, a number of senior positions in the Russian government, and in the 2000s joined the opposition .
while in the case of detained five people: alleged killer Zaur Dadaev, Khamzat Bach, who, according to investigators, supplied accomplices information and had to hide them after the crime, Temirlan Eskerhanov, which is charged with monitoring the routes Nemtsov and also brothers, Anzor and Shadid Gubashevy. Their role in crime investigation did not disclose.
In addition, in absentia arrested and declared an international arrest warrant alleged organizer of the murder of an officer of the battalion “North” Ruslan Muhudinov.
from the West Speculators
a member of the faction “United Russia”, the first deputy head of the Committee for public associations and religious organizations Mikhail Markelov believes that the murder Nemtsov has caused a certain resonance, because the policy had a circle of friends and people with whom he worked on the same field this is a serious loss.
According to him, the offense will not change in any way the political palette in the country. The country’s leadership insists on carrying out an objective investigation, intelligence agencies have worked quickly, and crime will not go unpunished, said the parliamentarian.
“Of course, there are those people and that speculate on this topic and try kakim-to way to ignite the situation, saying that this is a trend – the murder of politicians in Russia. But I would not so much to aggravate the situation, because we have so many people today who do not agree with the government, they work in the field of the opposition, and their lives are not in danger, “-. said Markelov RIA Novosti
” it is very profitable on this topic will speculate representatives Western world, different communities, different kinds of non-profit organizations under the mute will receive more funding from abroad and wedged in political activities inside the country, but for this we have a law that regulates all of these actions, the foreign agents Act “- the MP said.
the first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the first vice-speaker of the State Duma Ivan Melnikov said that remains with the same opinion, which is expressed immediately after Nemtsov’s murder.
“I do not know who behind it, but the shots were on hand for those who wish to arm the opposition pro-American “massacre symbol”. This unfortunate character they received and politically canonized “, – he said, RIA Novosti
At the same time, according to the MP, in the rest of the big policy occurred is not particularly affected..” In the real politics pro-Western opposition grade, in fact It is not involved. They are active, visible, especially on the Internet, but the growth of their promotion does not lead to an increase in support. So I would not overestimate. Nemtsov was a man of charismatic, but people’s love he was, to put it mildly, far away, “- said Melnikov
The first deputy head of the faction.” Fair Russia “Mikhail Emelyanov also of the opinion that the political situation in the country did not changed after Nemtsov’s death.
“In the context of the case Nemtsov, I think not (has not changed the political situation). Maybe more people began to realize that we should not be Charly. More people realized for us and in Europe, it is necessary to respect the religious feelings. The events that took place in France after the murder Nemtsov, after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, the terrorist acts that were carried out terrorist organizations “, – he said
At the beginning of January in France there was a series of terrorist attacks, which began with the attack on the magazine’s editors. Charlie Hebdo, prints caricatures of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. in three days, killed 17 people, including three policemen. in the course of two special operations January 9, three terrorists were killed. on the cover of the first after the Charlie Hebdo magazine release terrorist attack depicted the prophet Muhammad. He appears before readers sad, dressed in white, in his hands he holds a sign with the slogan Je suis Charlie ( “I – Charly”) Above the head of the prophet the other inscription: Tout est pardonne ( “All is forgiven”)
Sacred victim..
The deputy head of the LDPR faction, head of the Committee for public associations and religious organizations Jaroslav Nilov believes that it is possible to note a few points in the political situation after Nemtsov’s murder.
“I think that certain forces right-liberal persuasion have consolidated around this event. Someone born of the odious politicians fear the grain. Some now even more confident that we walk under God, in life there are no coincidences – God sees everything “- said Nilov RIA Novosti
Also, the deputy said that there was a firm understanding of what it is. Kill – a provocation, “and there are many different versions as to who could be the customer, and who benefits from it”
“Now there is a kind of sacred sacrifice, a symbol and a certain date, which allows individual politicians, political. parties and movements on that day to express themselves using the anniversary of the death in the political purposes “, – Nilov added
in turn, the founder of the party.” Yabloko “Grigory Yavlinsky believes that murder is a demonstrative character.” Nemtsov killed for their political beliefs and for the unprecedented courage to express them. Murder is so conspicuous that in essence it is – a public execution. Execution Nemtsov – a campaign of extreme intimidation. It is no accident Nemtsov was killed close to the place of execution and the Kremlin “, – the politician said

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