Speaking today at the board of the FSB, the Russian President Vladimir Putin said that foreign intelligence agencies are increasing their activity in Russia and the September elections have already begun to actively prepare for “enemies of the hill.” The President instructed the FSB to stop any attempts to interfere in the election process, as well as “the activity of those who try, or may try to use nationalist, xenophobic, radical slogans».
To September elections in Russia began to actively prepare “enemies over the hill”, he said today at the board of the FSB Vladimir Putin. “I read your documents regularly produced – and in summary form, and specific indication that, unfortunately, these elections are prepared and our enemies over the hill, as we do the people say” – conveys President TASS words . According to Mr. Putin, foreign intelligence agencies are increasing their activity in Russia, and in 2015 was suppressed the activity of more than 400 of their agents to 23 people were involved in criminal liability. “Foreign intelligence services are increasing their activity in Russia, and the past year clearly confirmed these our findings,” – said the head of state
As the president noted, “all constructive political forces, parties interested. the fact that these elections were conducted in full accordance with the law, in the spirit of fair and open competition, and the results were objective “, so he called on the FSB to stop any attempts to interfere in the election process and internal policy by” outside forces. ” Intelligence agencies, according to Vladimir Putin, the need to stop and “activities of those who try, or may try to use nationalist, xenophobic, radical slogans aimed to split our society.” “These technologies exist and have often been used in a number of countries” and pose a direct threat to the sovereignty of Russia, which is necessary to respond “appropriately”, said Mr. Putin.
Previously, “reliably block access to the parliament for the extremists and radicals of all stripes” and ensure rule of law in the course of the upcoming Duma election campaign prosecutor urged the head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov. “It is important that access to Parliament has been securely closed to extremists and radicals of all stripes – he said during a speech in the State Duma 12 yanvarya.- This, of course, we must act only in accordance with the letter of the law»
nationalist slogans will not be allowed in the elections to the State Duma
Mark as public control campaign slogans parties and prevent the elections spread of nationalist sentiment He called the head of the Federal agency for nationalities (FADH) Igor Barinov ONF forum participants from regions south of Russia and the North Caucasus. On this subject can be signed inter-party memorandum. The movement’s leader, Vladimir Putin offered to correct the strategy of national policy. Read more

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