At the congress the new party chairman Emilia Slabunova summarized that after the murder of Boris Nemtsov that took place a year ago, a positive change of power can not wait. According to her, and “operation successor”, and re-election of Russian President Vladimir Putin could lead to social disruption. Recipe Rescue Party members countries offer is simple: the old tradition to put forward for president Grigory Yavlinsky, who “provide a European way of development,” the country
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With that agreed to guests of the congress: the potential of the single-mandate “Apple” the deputy of the State Duma (HD) Dmitry Gudkov and Vladimir Ryzhkov, leader of the “Choice of Russia”, as well as the former co-chairman of RPR- PARNASSUS.
Ryzhkov acted unexpectedly tough, calling the democratic list for the State and a single presidential candidate from the Democratic alternative to the “terror” and “obscurantist dictatorship”. Dmitry Gudkov said that if Democrats do not create a general list, they will “compete for places in the paddy wagon, or at the cemetery».
The former candidate for the leaders of the “Yabloko” Leo Schlossberg said that all the past 15 years, elections are held only one man, President Vladimir Putin, and now “Apple” is opposed not just the “United Russia”, and “anti-state, anti-national power system».
The party apparently accept new tunable “just cause”, headed by Boris Titov as a competitor: a member of the Political “Yabloko” Victor Sheynis called Titova «clown»
They do not want the party to unite and Parnassus on the terms of it. leader Mikhail Kasyanov. “The virus of complacency (in Parnassus) is not completely overcome, it is necessary to conduct a dialogue and see these people equal partners”, -. Said a member of the Political “Apple” Professor Victor Sheynis
Former party chairman Sergei Mitrokhin said that Yavlinsky will have to disassemble the “Augean stables” after the current government.
The scandal surrounding money Khodorkovsky
Most of the speeches was reduced to praising Grigory Yavlinsky, the exception became a human rights activist Sergei Kovalev. He chided the press service of “Apple” for disrespect to the former head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. And reminded that he shortly before his arrest sponsored party in 2003. “There was no claim to it, except for one: why it sponsors more than one” Apple “?” – Remembered Kovalev
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Yavlinsky in response hastened to declare that “Apple” supported Khodorkovsky during his stints, but “respectfully” asked not to finance the party due to differences of opinion. According to him, Khodorkovsky financed half of the year, “Apple” and the Communist Party in Putin’s instruction, when there was no government funding. And Anatoly Chubais again on the orders of Putin funded “Union of Right Forces,” stated Yavlinsky.
«finance experience in 2003, we had a not so pleasant. We ask not to do it, because we have different views on political issues “, – summed up the co-founder of” Apple »
The interlocutor” Gazety.Ru “in the party said that the negotiations on behalf of Khodorkovsky” Yabloko. “I led Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr., coordinator of” Open Russia “(RR). However, the “Apple” refused to cooperate with the OP due to the principled position on privatization (the party opposed to the oligarchs) and antireytinga OR, says a source.
Khodorkovsky sarcastically remarked on Twitter social network, that “interested to learn from Yavlinsky that helped them in 2003 (including the already out of prison) in Putin’s behalf».
«Russia in a deadlock»
in a keynote speech Yavlinsky said about the stalled country and the loss of people ‘sense of historical perspective, which should reach the country in 20-30 years. ” According to him, over 15 years of operating the country’s authorities have squandered huge money for the prestigious event and the “geopolitical allies,” which burdened the position of “younger brothers” and for little money “easily change their orientation»
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Co-founder of the party criticized spend more on the military industrial complex of the Russian Federation without the creation of a strong economy – it’s like to “build bridges without roads” . As in the last Congress, he proposed to the authorities to decide:. Or geopolitical adventures, or their own development and upgrading
Yavlinsky said that, despite the rapidly growing frustration of the people, “is harmful and useless to rush between the hope of national explosion outrage and a statement of the fact that the alleged “Russian people – the media slave psychology.” According to him, it is the elite were guilty of the reforms carried out not for the people, and for construction projects: “socialism, capitalism, to create an energy superpower, to win the New Russia, to the people from the Kremlin respected and feared in the world»
. In general, the main task co-founder of the party called the creation of Russia a normal European state, which “respects its citizens».
At the Congress, Yavlinsky said that the upcoming parliamentary campaign can be ” fair, meaningful and successful “only in the context of the struggle for full power, that is, for the presidency. Co-founder of the party “Yabloko” called parliamentary elections the first stage of the presidential campaign.
For the extension Yavlinsky voted 135 delegates to the congress as a candidate for president of Russia, the lone dissenter. It was the delegate from Tver Alexei Domanov
The Congress resolution states that Yavlinsky -. Politician, “embodies an alternative vision of the future, values, priorities, fundamentally different from that adopted in the current Russian policy.” Yavlinsky’s party members called the principal opponent of nationalism and Bolshevism, and the successor of the political tradition of “pragmatic idealism” Andrei Sakharov.
The Democrats are not merged
Nomination Yavlinsky was expected, it was announced long ago. Not less than expected and were friction with the democratic coalition – particularly the leader Parnas Mikhail Kasyanov and the founder of the “Open Russia” Mikhail Khodorkovsky
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Earlier Kasyanov suggested that “apples” make an alliance, and later – to unite the party. At the same time, the “Novaya Gazeta” appeared appeal of the liberal intelligentsia with a call to “go to the polls a single cohesive squad».
In the “Apple” as a nod to the coalition agreement, which offers the party. “Yabloko” ready to nominate candidates if they agree to sign a political memorandum and take the obligation to support Yavlinsky’s candidacy in the presidential elections. As a result, the theme with the union gradually died out. Judging by the polls activists on both sides, the relationship between the Democrats remain cold.
The Congress Yavlinsky stressed that “Apple” will do “everything possible” to join the Democrats in the upcoming elections. However, it was clear that a common list with mutual claims Democrats -. Unrealistic scenario
However, despite the position of “Apple”, deputy chairman of the Parnas Ilya Yashin told “” that the proposal to establish a political union “Apple” and the Parnassus in the elections to the State Duma shall remain in force. “We are ready to discuss the formation of a single list, and the separation of single-member districts. The key task – to create a democratic faction in the parliament – said the politician. – To discuss candidates for the presidential elections is premature »
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Another interviewee, close to the leadership Parnassus, he believes that “the administration of President never in my life will not allow” apples “to create a single list of the democratic coalition”, as a single list – it’s almost guaranteed faction in the State Duma
However, while the “Yabloko”. and “parnasovtsy” with a high probability may agree to divorce candidates in single-member districts.
So far, according to the polls, “Levada”, all extra-parliamentary liberal parties obtained in the elections to the State Duma 1%.
Early advanced
Pro-Kremlin political analysts are skeptical about the chances of Yavlinsky, has repeatedly put forward his candidacy for the presidency of the country. Former head of Domestic Policy Department of President Konstantin administration Kostin in an interview to RSN gives Yavlinsky elections 2018 only 5%.
The last time Yavlinsky could not advance the presidency in 2012 because of the . The CEC rejected signatures
at the same time adviser to Yavlinsky, Sergei Grigorov says co-founder of the party – the strongest nominee for the presidential elections in the Democratic camp. With this agreement and others interviewed party members, as well as the deputy director of the Center for Current Politics in Russia, Oleg Ignatov
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«And who can still push the” Apple “for president? Schlossberg does not pull in the presidential candidates. He lacks experience in federal politics. Mitrokhin, much less pull. His experience in the party leadership can not be called successful. They shall support him and the liberals of the other parties – reflects Ignatov. – Liberals have two obvious heavyweight – Yavlinsky and Kasyanov. Both are recognized both in Russia and in the West. Yavlinsky have no such problems with a reputation as Kasyanov. The Kremlin considers it appropriate and in the overall figure of negotiability. It is hard to imagine today a negative PR campaign against Yavlinsky. Rather, it is convenient to the Kremlin to ignore »
The question and that is why the party has announced the nomination of two years, but the elections -. First of all the political forces. In an official statement said about a bunch of the Duma and the presidential campaign. Logically Yavlinsky, if a party applies for a handful of seats in parliament, and not on full power, it will not change anything.
Political analyst Ignatov believes that now in the “Apple” will say that the liberal opposition already have a presidential candidate, who “with flawless reputation point of view.” In addition, the nomination of Mikhail Kasyanov or someone else can be presented as an attempt to implement a purely personal ambitions, rather than as work in the interests of the liberal movement, the expert believes.
As a result, extension gives the “Apple” a powerful argument in negotiations on the formation of a unified opposition list on the basis of the party in the parliamentary elections.
According to Ignatov, the Kremlin has always considered the “Yabloko” negotiability political force, but the radicalization party in the case of drawing up a single list to the State Duma with Parnas situation may change. In this case, according to experts, the Kremlin will increase the pressure on the “Yabloko”, as well as provide additional resources “right cause” Boris Titov Democrats to capture the electorate.

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