On Wednesday, the HRC held a special meeting to discuss the Ministry of Justice of the amendments to the legislation on NGOs on the definition of “political activity”. Recall that they were published in late January, but has not yet even submitted to the State Duma.
The amendments list the scope and forms of political activity. If the actions of NGOs fall into both of these definitions, and if it receives foreign funding, it becomes a candidate for the register of foreign agents. Moreover, the bill contains quite vague formulations such as “the impact on the development and implementation of state policy on the formation of state bodies, local self-government bodies, their decisions and actions»
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the role of the defender of the bill took on the director of the NGO Affairs Department of the Ministry of Justice of Russia Vladimir Titov. Representatives of the HRC pelted him with questions for about two hours and did not hesitate to criticize the result of the agency and a working group under the leadership of Deputy President Vyacheslav Volodin administration.
The main claim of human rights defenders to the amendments is that they still are too broad. Moreover, according to several speakers,
all the organizations that already exist in the Foreign Agents Registry, it is and will remain.
Order of the concretization of the concept of “political activity” gave Putin after a meeting with human rights activists. Above problem toiled implementation working group headed by the first deputy head of presidential administration Vyacheslav Volodin, together with representatives of the Ministry of Justice. According to members of the HRC, Putin instructed to just narrow down the concept, not to define it so that under him were all the organizations that are already in the registry.
«When the president raised the question of the need to clarify the concept “political activity”, the members of the HRC came from the fact that there are many organizations that do not conduct political activities, but in the register got. These are the ones that protect the ant, or the Siberian Crane engaged judicial protection of citizens’ rights. The problem was that these organizations do not fall into inoagenty. The President agreed and instructed the working group to develop amendments “, – reminded the members of the HRC Anita Soboleva and asked the Titova whether organizations will be in the registry is less than in the case of amendments
« Even. God does not answer this question “, – apparently decided to make a joke representative of the Ministry of Justice
Even the chairman of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov diplomatically hinted that developed amendments do not meet the original goal set by Vladimir Putin.. “Did you try to see how this definition works against those 116 organizations, which are already included in the register?
If the test shows that they are all there are, therefore, instructed the President is not satisfied! “-. said Fedotov
« were tested, but not us “- mysteriously said Titov, adding that the old definition the courts have confirmed the correctness of his department
In this out of the hall could be heard shouting with not the most flattering opinions about the work of our judicial system.
on the protection of the developed amendments arose chairman of the Duma Committee on constitutional legislation Vladimir Pligin. “That attempt to determine which offers the Ministry of Justice – is a step towards the wishes of the Board. This gives you the opportunity to continue the discussion “, – the politician said, stressing that the Bill -. It is the answer to a request FH
« The answer is in the form of carpet bombing “- grimly he said someone from the audience.
«You can use figurative language. But God forbid that anyone witnessed is not something that bombing, but even flying by bullets “- suddenly withdrawn subject Pligin
Speak decided and the chairman of the Duma committee on affairs of public organizations, representative of the Liberal Democratic Party. Yaroslav Nilov. He said that the new version of the law “conceptually” is better than the current one, so it will be more understandable to the official.
«If you said earlier that the law of the rubber, and now it is not necessary to pull. Any activity is now train fall under the law “, – he ran out of the room on a tirade
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in response to her deputy suddenly came out a little bit of himself: “Yes, the registry is known only within the Garden ring!” then Nilov hit the argument about who knows about the dangers of “palm oil”. This caused outrage in the hall, and parliamentarians were quick to remind that the foreign agents excommunicated from all the activities in the elections, including by observing that they obstructed when dealing with government agencies. Recall that according to the bill passed its first reading in the State Duma, foreign agents will not even participate in the formation of public monitoring commissions.
Nilov suddenly thought of a geopolitical struggle, to which a member of the HRC journalist Nikolai Svanidze asked why the State Duma considers FSB itself and to work on domestic law talks about geopolitics. The representative of the Liberal Democratic Party in response stated that Svanidze films show how Tsarist Russia was destroyed with the help of NGOs. “While NGOs do not seem to have been,” – surprised Fedotov entered. On that note, the MP hastened to retire on the pretext that he needed a plane
And representatives of HRC continued to express their grievances to the amendments prepared by the Ministry of Justice
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According to the overwhelming majority of members of the HRC, the definition needs to be corrected and to deliver on too broad wording
«imagine. organization that writes on its website that the park is on the 2nd street Autumn poorly patrolled. It is necessary to outfit came back not once, but twice a day. And let’s say there is foreign funding. According to your definition, it turns out that they are engaged in political activities and fall under the definition of “foreign agent.” And such absurd situations can result in car and small truck! “-. Said the chairman of the commission HRC to assist the PMC and penal reform Andrei Babushkin
Fedotov added that under the concept of political activity falls and the situation, when the director of a kindergarten at the request of the parents of his pupils to write to the authorities a letter asking to solve a problem
«When we say Crimea ours or not ours -. it is clear that this is a political activity. Navalny for president – is understandable. But what is the kindergarten? “- Appealed to the logic of the Ministry of Justice Fedotov
He also mentioned one of the organizations dealing with road safety issues and to receive foreign money through international projects.. By definition, the Ministry of Justice, it falls into inoagentov registry.
«The work of this organization is described in detail in the draft report of the working group of the State Council as a very good example of the work”, – said chairman of the HRC
According to him, this situation with the new amendments came not only from behind. the vagueness of the language, but also because their authors have forgotten to register, a necessary condition for entering into the register should be defined objectives of the organization. “In the text, they are not isolated and properly identified,” – said Fedotov
This idea was later explained to a member of the Public Chamber and a member of the working group under the leadership of Volodina Elena Topoleva-Soldunova:. “When the amendments were discussed, as a key moment It was defined matrix approach. According to a set of attributes. The definition should get objective, scope and forms of activity. And only if all coincided, only then it can be determined that the organization is engaged in political activities. But nowhere in the bill is not said. It should be clearly defined this approach. ».
The sentences handed out during the meeting, was offered an alternative definition of political activity through the” power struggle »
Fedotov noted that these proposals are based on including him. Chairman of the HRC believes that the definition should be assigned part in political actions, in the “formation of election commissions, referendum commissions, nomination of candidates, in the formation of lists of candidates, in the activities of the initiative group on referendum, in election campaigning on the referendum questions agitation as well as other activities aimed at obtaining a specific result in the election or referendum. ” At the same time to political activity can not be attributed involved in the implementation of public control, activity advisory bodies of state power and local self-government.
With similar proposal was made by the representative of the Committee of Civil Initiatives Andrey Maksimov. According to the proposed amendment, political activity will be considered as actions related to the agitation and the nomination of candidates for elections. At the same time, according to experts, organization of public debate can not be considered as a political activity. Meanwhile on Wednesday, known in human rights circles Interregional Association of Human Rights NGOs “Agora” has been eliminated by the Supreme Court of Tatarstan. organization problems started just with its inclusion in the register of foreign agents in 2014.
The representatives of the HRC promised to develop recommendations for amendments in the coming days.

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