Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with activists of the NP” Club leaders to promote business initiatives, “February 3, 2016
President Vladimir Putin believes that Russia can not be no other unifying idea, except for patriotism. “This is a national idea,” – said the head of state
«We do not have and can not have any other unifying idea, except for patriotism,” – said Putin, speaking at a meeting of the “Club of Leaders” ( association of entrepreneurs from 40 Russian regions).
«This is a national idea” – he added.
According to the president, the idea of patriotism, “not by ideology, is not associated with the work of the party, or some of the social structure. ” Putin pointed out that in order to implement the national idea is not enough to “the president or anyone else about this once said».
In order to implement the consciousness of patriotism as a national idea, Putin said, “need to constantly talk about it, at all levels».
Earlier, Putin said in his speeches repeatedly talked about the importance of patriotism. In the summer of 2015, he said that patriotism – is “a sacred trust of Russians”, and in October, called it a “moral compass” for teenagers.
In 2004, Putin said at a meeting with his authorized representatives declared that national idea Russia is competitive. A person must be competitive, towns, villages, industries and the whole country. That is our main national idea today, Putin said.
In 2011, in an interview with the magazine VIP-Premier Putin called national idea “saving people” by quoting Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
In the summer in 2014 his attempt to define the national idea has taken the Patriarch. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church said that “the ideal, national idea” Russia is holiness.

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