Over last year the Russians have fallen into depression, began to experience jealousy and anger towards others, but imbued with sympathy for the Soviet political system, showed the index of the state of affairs in the country, compiled by the Levada center
position index of affairs in Russia, seen RBC, based on sociological surveys by the Levada center, dedicated to the mass mood, estimates and trends in 2015. It will be presented to the director of the Levada Center Lev Gudkov at the opening on Thursday, February 4th, the final conference of the sociological service
The index shows:. Russians increasingly began to notice in 2015 that others appear and stronger aggression, bitterness , fear, resentment, despair and envy of the outside world. Even more began to show depression, asthenia, fatigue, confusion and loneliness.
The level of depressed mood during the past year peaked for the time of the interviews. Last time a similar level of depression was demonstrated by respondents in 2009, when the country felt the effects of the economic crisis. Positive emotions among Russians were observed much less frequently: satisfaction, affirmation, hope, confidence, and other enjoyable and creative feelings a year drop in revenues due to the devaluation of the ruble and sanctions have experienced the least inhabitants of the country for the past 16 years
. However, depression and bitterness the Russians in recent years began to think that they and their families have lost from the changes that have occurred in the country since 1992. Peak defeatism came in December 2014, the time of the first wave of a strong depreciation of the ruble. Equally negative with respect to the transformations of the early ’90s the Russians have been set up in late 1999.
At the end of the 90s the Russians have been shown by the Levada Center, most of all were convinced that the lost from the restructuring, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liberal reforms. The next period of defeatist feelings was recorded during the 2008 crisis.
Video: RBC
at the same time increased the number of Russians in the last six years, who do not believe in the thesis that Russian – European country. According to the Levada Center in October 2015, did not agree with this statement 59% of Russians agree with him only 32%. In 2009, the dissenters, that Russia – this is Europe, it is less than confident in the reverse – 36 versus 47%, respectively. In 2008, despite the crisis, the proportions are also not in favor of those who do not associate themselves with Europe. 32 vs. 56%, respectively,
Against the background of growing depression and defeatism, coupled with the increased confidence of Russians in that the country does not belong to Europe, it has become more and more of those who are sympathetic to the Soviet political system. The share of such respondents has increased significantly from July 2015 to January 2016. Approximately the same level of support for the Soviet gosustroystva was fixed by sociologists in 2009.
The second half of 2015 significantly decreased support for Russians Western model of democracy, and the current political system.
The sympathies to the Soviet system are reflected in the electoral ratings. According to the latest polls Fund “Public opinion”, for the Communist Party ready to give their votes to 9% of voters, while the Communists support grew throughout the second half of 2015. Back in June of the Communist Party were ready to give their votes to only 6%.
The aggressive anti-Ukrainian campaign in the Russian television and in state-run media crushed any idea of reform and modernization, he told RBC director of the Levada Center Lev Gudkov. By itself, this campaign, according to him, was aimed at discrediting the domestic values of democracy and fair elections, hence the attitude of Russians to Europe in particular and the West in general, says Gudkov. Anti-Ukrainian campaign, the expert continues, accompanied by the discrediting of the opposition as a foreign agent and the carrier is alien to the spirit.
As for the developing yourself lately artificial neo, its nature is not in political preferences, and the rise of the lower layers of the mass consciousness, the most primitive and trivial ways of thinking, sure sociologist.
«Envious and notorious ways of thinking prevail. Envy primarily to corrupt officials, which, thanks to its proximity to the authorities were able to snatch a piece of fat. Hence, too, and feeling lost. But focusing on the past – it is not the desire to go back there, but only a form of criticism of the authorities “, – said Gudkov.
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