In Tula missing 46-year-old general director of OOO “SPAR. Central Region “Anton Belobragin, who was twice elected deputy of the regional Duma of the party” Fair Russia. »
The car is the Lexus, owned Belobragin found around 18.30 at about 20 kilometers from Tula on the road leading to the the M-2 in the direction of the southern suburbs of Tula – the village of Kosaya Gora. It is unlit and, as a rule, rather empty road with sharp ups and downs.
Car businessman found gathered in the ditch, from the illuminated track “Crimea”, he drove about 400 meters. Spotting it can only be driving next – from the road it is not visible because of the sharp turns and hills of the road, writes “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”.Currently, the police are working on the site of the accident.
According to some reports, in the cabin of the machine found spots like blood. It is significant that the passenger door, although Belobragin often he sat behind the wheel was discovered in the car.
The police have not commented on the incident.
It is known that at the present time on suspicion of the crime are wanted kidnappers in two foreign cars. In their search for the whole raised Tula police.
The pre-treated by the police several versions of what happened. Abduction – one of the main

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