Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Moscow City Court has explained the need for the security of ships Cossacks – RBC

Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC

Employees private security MIA lacked qualifications, and their services were expensive. So in the judiciary explain why Moscow district courts are now guarded by Cossacks

Press service of the Moscow City Court issued a statement explaining why the capital district courts are now guarded by employees of private security organizations “Cossack guards.” The Cossacks began to protect the capital’s courts because of what their predecessors lacked the necessary skills, said Tuesday “Interfax” the press service of the Moscow City Court.

«Cossack guards” began to guard the Moscow courts at the end of 2015, after reducing the staff of private security MIA, who followed the courts before. From November to December, the Cossacks guarded the ten capital ships from 1 January 2016 they took custody of all district court of the capital.

On the Moscow session of the Council of Judges, held on Monday, on the protection of the Cossacks told Chief Metropolitan Office of Judicial Department Alexey Dmitriev.

«Head of the Department in its report emphasized that a number of shortcomings of the staff of the FSUE” Protection “(private security MIA) endanger the safety of judges, court staff employees and participants in the process,” – quoted in the Tuesday “Interfax” the press service of the Moscow City Court.

According to Dmitriev, the employees of private security was no special

training, they were poor use of knowledge of the rules of technical means of protection of the object, and in some cases they do not know how to use a computer appliances. In addition, continued Dmitriev, employees of private security more than two minutes to respond to the “alarm button”, and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Security” is constantly passed rotation structure.

The press service of the judges council added that the services of private security Cossacks were more expensive services.

«Council of Moscow judges, guided by the need for budgetary savings (services FSUE” Protection “is several times higher than the cost of services Ltd. ORR” Cossack guard “), has agreed to the Office of judicial Department in the city Moscow to conclude the state contract to provide services for the armed protection of the buildings of the district of Moscow vessels LLC ORR “Cossack guard” -. said, “RIA Novosti” the press service of the judges council

work of the Cossacks in the past year paid under the state contract. On Monday, lawyers Fund’s fight against corruption Alexei Navalny appealed to the Moscow prosecutor’s office to check its validity, since, in their opinion, the choice of legal department “Cossack guard” as the sole provider of security services, without competition, was unfounded.


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